I developed mdmerge
for my own usage.
I was tired to update my main README.md
when it contains some codes (all or part of) from an existing file.
When the source file change, your README.md
must be manually updated.
So I create my own Node.js application to update my README.md
which using other files thanks to a custom instruction which is
invisible in the rendered document (also in PDF document).
Currently, the application is not fully finished but the main feature are finished.
The simpliest command line to merge your Markdown is mdmerge <FILE>.md
By default, the command line creates a new file nammed <FILE>.merged.md
I choose to do this to prevent breaks on the source file.
The command line have two implicits options :
- The first one will stands for the input file to merge.
- The second one will stands for the output file to put the result.
Examples with implicits options :
mdmerge <INPUT_FILE>.md <OUTPUT_FILE>.md
: The merged document from<INPUT_FILE>.md
will be place in the output file<OUTPUT_FILE>.md
mdmerge <INPUT_FILE>.md <INPUT_FILE>.md
: Done like this, you will overwrite your source file with the result.
The second case 2.
can be simply with the following command :
mdmerge <FILE>.md -w
This application allows implicits options.
Implicits options are the values which not begins with a hyphen char (-
They are determined with their position behind the command (mdmerge
On the following example mdmerge -c README.md README.final.md
the first implicit option is README.md
and the second is README.final.md
Implicits options priority is lesser than Explicits ones.
The first implicit option stands for the file to merge. It's is equal
to the option -i
, --in
The second implicit option stands for the output file. It's is equal
to the option -o
, --out
Please find below the detail of each options for
the command mdmerge
Be warned : Explicit options have the priority on the implicit ones.
Be warned : The long options have the priority on the short ones.
For instance, if you use at the same time options -i=file_1
, this is the file file_2
which will be processed.
The option -i
) allows you to specified
the input file to merged.
- It requires a value.
- The input must be a file which exists.
- It equal to the implicit options
The option -o
) allows you to specified
the target file in which the result will be placed.
- It requires a value.
- The output must be a file. If the file not exists, it will be created.
- It equal to the implicit options
This option will have no effect if option -w
) is used.
The option -w
) allows you to directly
overwrite the input file with the result.
- It does not requires a value.
The option -c
) allows you to remove
merged content between tags.
- It does not requires a value.
The detailed instruction hereafter must be placed at the begin of the line
in a comment block in your Markdown file : [](<instruction>)
Once parsed by mdmerge
, a closing instruction has been inserted.
That will allows the application to update the included parts.
Please find below, the generic form of the instruction <instruction>
The element separator is the colon char (:
: This is the relative path to the file used for this inclusion.:<inclusionInstruction>
: You can insert none to many of the inclusion instruction separated by:
: You can specified the line to toggle the inclusion.<startOffset>
: You can specified from which char you want to begin the inclusion on the line.<endOffset>
: You can specified when you stop the inclusion on the line
: You can ask tomdmerge
to insert your content in a Markdown code block in a specified language. You can omit<codeBlockLanguage>
to let your favorite render to identify automatically the language (Example with Highligh.js)
The <inclusionInstruction>
toggle the inclusion.
The generic rule is the odds elements will start the inclusion whereas the evens will
stop the inclusion. When the total number of <inclusionInstruction>
is odd, the last
inclusion process will inclusion until the EOF is met.
Please find an example of instruction :
The instruction can be read as
"Please, include here the JavaScript code from file mdmerge.js
from line 53
to line 79
in a code block js
The result is the following
* Afficher un message dans le stream.
* @param message Message à afficher
* @param level Niveau de message. 0=OK,1=KO,2=WARN
function log(message, level = 0, args = []){
// 0 = Success
// 1 = Error
// 2 = Warn
let levels = [
{color: "Green", name: "SUCCESS", return: 0},
{color: "Red", name: "ERROR", return: 1},
{color: "Yellow", name: "WARNING", return: 0},
"[ " +
colors.fg[levels[level].color] +
levels[level].name +
colors.Reset +
" ] : " +
return levels[level].return;
Please find below an exhaustiv list of usage cases and their development status
Instruction | Explanation | Dev. Status |
@import>test/incl.md | Include the whole content of file incl.md in folder test |
@import>test/incl.md: | Include the whole content of file incl.md in folder test in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:js | Include the whole content of file incl.md in folder test in a code block JavaScript js |
@import>test/incl.md:53 | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the end of file EOF |
@import>test/incl.md:53: | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the end of file EOF in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:53:js | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the end of file EOF in a code block JavaScript js |
@import>test/incl.md::79 | Include the content of file incl.md from the beginning to the line 79 |
@import>test/incl.md::79: | Include the content of file incl.md from the beginning to the line 79 in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md::79:js | Include the content of file incl.md from the beginning to the line 79 in a code block JavaScript js |
@import>test/incl.md:53:79 | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the line 79 |
@import>test/incl.md:53:79: | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the line 79 in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:53:79:js | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the line 79 in a code block JavaScript js |
@import>test/incl.md:53,1 | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 , starting at position 1 to the end of file EOF |
@import>test/incl.md:53,1: | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 , starting at position 1 to the end of file EOF in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:53,1:js | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 , starting at position 1 to the end of file EOF in a code block Javascript js |
@import>test/incl.md:53,,1 | Include the line number 53 from the file incl.md , starting at position 0 to position 1 |
@import>test/incl.md:53,,1: | Include the line number 53 from the file incl.md , starting at position 0 to position 1 in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:53,,1:js | Include the line number 53 from the file incl.md , starting at position 0 to position 1 in a code block Javascript js |
@import>test/incl.md:53,2,4 | Include the line number 53 from the file incl.md , starting at position 02 to position 4 |
@import>test/incl.md:53,2,4: | Include the line number 53 from the file incl.md , starting at position 02 to position 4 in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:53,2,4:js | Include the line number 53 from the file incl.md , starting at position 02 to position 4 in a code block Javascript js |
@import>test/incl.md:53:79:526 | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the line 79 , and from line 526 to the end of line EOF |
@import>test/incl.md:53:79:526: | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the line 79 , and from line 526 to the end of line EOF in a code block |
@import>test/incl.md:53:79:526:js | Include the content of file incl.md from line 53 to the line 79 , and from line 526 to the end of line EOF in a code block JavaScript js |
Their is some cases not listed here which are functional and some other ideas which are not implemented yet