This project aims to search the latest information on TV shows, including release times, seasons, episodes, and cast.
- Hive
- Scala
- Hadoop
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Lookup TV Shows with keywords
- Store searches within Hive tables
To-do list:
- Include option to save JSON files to HDFS
- Add query table cleanup for temporary Hive tables
git clone Tested for HortonWorks 2.6.5 VM with user maria_dev
scp -P 2222 .\newp1_2.11-v1SNAP.jar To copy to Linux VM spark-submit ./hive/jar/newp1_2.11-v1SNAP.jar --class example.p1 To run the program
Login with username and password
Type a single character when prompted to select an option or to change menus
Look up TV shows with key words to get their ID's
View recently released shows
View the latest seasons, episodes, and cast of a TV show
Store the searches into a Hive Table
Change usernames, passwords, and access levels