Discord webhook to display real-time updates of players on V Rising servers. Using Steam A2P API
"botname": "NightKin",
"bot_avatar_url": "https://havi-x.github.io/hosted-images/TSR/BatWithFang.jpeg",
"a2s_timeout": 20,
"update_interval": 300,
"embed_color": "#FF0000",
"servers_info": {
"server1": {
"vr_ip": "<VRising server IP>",
"vr_query_port": <VRising query port>,
"last_message_id": 0,
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"vr_metrics_port": 0
"server2": {
"vr_ip": "<VRising server IP>",
"vr_query_port": <VRising query port>,
"last_message_id": 0,
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"vr_metrics_port": 0
export NIGHT_WEBHOOK_URLS='{"server1": "<webhook_link>", "server2": "<webhook_link>"}'
To enable castle territories, enable Metrics API in ServerHostSettings.json
and configure the outgoing port
"Name": "VRising Server",
"API": {
"Enabled": true,
"BindPort": <outgoing port>
And mention the port in config.json
in vr_metrics_port
python main.py config.json