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arXiv Python versions license: MIT


SynFlowNet - Design of Diverse and Novel Molecules with Synthesis Constraints

Official implementation of SynFlowNet, a GFlowNet model with a synthesis action space. The paper is available on arxiv.


SynFlowNet is a GFlowNet model that generates molecules from chemical reactions and available building blocks. This repo contains instructions for how to train SynFlowNet and sample synthesisable molecules with probability proportional to a reward specified by the user. The code builds upon the recursionpharma/gflownet codebase, available under the MIT license. For a primer and repo overview visit recursionpharma/gflownet.




This package is installable as a PIP package, but since it depends on some torch-geometric package wheels, the --find-links arguments must be specified as well:

conda create --name sfn python=3.10.14
conda activate sfn
pip install -e . --find-links

Or for CPU use:

pip install -e . --find-links

Getting started


The training relies on two data sources: reaction templates and building blocks. Filenames are specified in the ReactionTaskConfig. The model uses pre-computed masks to ensure compatibility between the building blocks and the reaction templates. Instructions for preprocessing building blocks and for computing masks can be found in synflownet/data/building_blocks.


SynFlowNet uses a reward to guide the molecule generation process. We have implemented a few reward functions in the ReactionTask class. These include the SeH binding proxy, QED, oracles from PyTDC and Vina docking (see below). Other reward functions can be imported in the synflownet/tasks/ file.


The model can be trained by running synflownet/tasks/ using different reward functions. You may want to change the default configuration in main().

[Optional] If using GPU-accelerated Vina

For easy adoption to other targets, a GPU-accelerated version of Vina docking can be used to calculate rewards as binding affinities to targets of interest. Follow the instructions at this repo to compile an excuteable for QuickVina2-GPU-2-1. One done, place the excuteable in bin/.

Implementation notes

Below is a breakdown of the different components of SynFlowNet.

Environment, Context, Task, Trainers

We separate experiment concerns in four categories:

  • ReactionTemplateEnv is the definition of the reaction MDP and it implements stepping forward and backward in the environment.
  • ReactionTemplateEnvContext provides an interface between the agent and the environment, it
    • maps graphs to other molecule representations and to torch_geometric Data instances
    • maps GraphActions to action indices
    • creates masks for actions
    • communicates with the model what inputs it should expect
  • The ReactionTask class is responsible for computing rewards, and for sampling conditional information
  • The ReactionTrainer class is responsible for instanciating everything, and running the training loop

Policies and action categoricals

The GraphTransformerSynGFN class is used to parameterize the policies and outputs a specific categorical distribution type for the actions defined in ReactionTemplateEnvContext. If config.model.graph_transformer.continuous_action_embs is set to True, then the probability of sampling building blocks is computed from the normalized dot product of the molecule representation and the embedding vector of the state. The ActionCategorical class contains the logic to sample from the hierarchical distribution of actions.

Data sources

The data used for training the GFlowNet can come from multiple sources:

  • Generating new trajectories on-policy from s_0
  • Generating new trajectories on-policy backwards from samples stored in a replay buffer (for training the backwards policy with REINFORCE)
  • Sampling trajectories from a fixed, offline dataset


If you use this code in your research, please cite the following paper:

      title={SynFlowNet: Design of Diverse and Novel Molecules with Synthesis Constraints},
      author={Miruna Cretu, Charles Harris, Ilia Igashov, Arne Schneuing, Marwin Segler, Bruno Correia, Julien Roy, Emmanuel Bengio and Pietro Liò},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv},


A GFlowNet with a chemical synthesis action space.







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