google-translate-api Public
A free and unlimited API for Google Translate 💵🚫
parrotsay Public
✨🐦 The Party Parrot on your terminal 🐦✨
parrotsay-api Public
An API to say things with the Party Parrot
github-issue-example Public
Forked from sbmsr/github-issue-example -
dub Public
Forked from dubinc/dubAn open-source link shortener with built-in analytics + free custom domains.
google-translate-token Public
A package that generates the necessary token to use the Google Translate API for free 💵🚫
node-socks-proxy-agent Public
Forked from TooTallNate/node-socks-proxy-agentA SOCKS (v4/v5) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP and HTTPS
cli Public
Forked from planetscale/cliThe CLI for PlanetScale Database
paco Public
Forked from pacocoursey/pacopersonal website and blog
terraform-provider-aws Public
Forked from hashicorp/terraform-provider-awsTerraform AWS provider
blitz-perftest Public
Forked from dajinchu/blitz-perftestBlitz.js performance testing
gharchive.org Public
Forked from igrigorik/gharchive.orgGH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
Syntax Public
Forked from syntaxfm/websiteA website for the Syntax Podcast
fly Public
Forked from superfly/flyFly is a runtime for global applications. Use it to build CDNs, smart proxy applications, and be a little more geo-neutral.
templates Public
Forked from pulumi/templatesTemplates used by `pulumi new`
The fastest + concise javascript template engine for nodejs and browsers. Partials, custom delimiters and more.
carlo Public
Forked from GoogleChromeLabs/carloWeb rendering surface for Node applications
oh-my-zsh Public
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzshA delightful community-driven (with 1,200+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc…
menubar Public
Forked from max-mapper/menubar➖ high level way to create menubar desktop applications with electron
Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
azure-documentdb-node Public
Forked from Azure/azure-cosmosdb-node -
check-prettier-version Public
Checks your installed `prettier` version against your `package.json`
slackin Public
Forked from rauchg/slackinPublic Slack organizations made easy
200-ok Public
A HTTP server that replies with 200 OK no matter what