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Voting system written in Django

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean,you can complete your project easily official website is

Xadmin is more humanized,you can use all the plugins that you want,eg:I customized the Ueditor in the project official website is but the offical website is not useful in my memory

Develop IDE:

​ Pycharm 2018


  1. first: You should make a python3 virtualenvironment
  2. Python 3.6
  3. Django 1.11.8 ---> pip install django==1.11.8 #django framework
  4. mysqlclient ----> pip install mysqlclient #connect to mysql database
  5. Pillow --> pip install Pillow #deal with images
  6. django-crispy-forms >=1.6.0 (For xadmin crispy forms)
  7. django-reversion ([OPTION] For object history and reversion feature, please select right version by your django, see changelog )
  8. django-formtools ([OPTION] For wizward form)
  9. xlwt ([OPTION] For export xls files)
  10. xlsxwriter ([OPTION] For export xlsx files)
  11. django-crispy-forms>=1.6.0
  12. django-import-export>=0.5.1
  13. django-reversion>=2.0.0
  14. django-formtools==1.0
  15. future==0.15.2
  16. httplib2==0.9.2
  17. six==1.10.0

In the project ,I download xadmin that as a extra_app.In this way ,I can customlize the theme and model that I want

the tree dictory:


apps ---place the app module

extra_apps --- place the apps that are not in django

media ---place the image or file by upload

static ----place the website static files like css,js,image,font

survey -----the website entrance

template --- dynamic website template file