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Binary File Information

macOS Linux x86_64 Linux Arm7 Windows

Provides some information on PE and ELF files.


  • Rust 1.60+

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bininfo = "0.4.3"


$ ./bininfo ~/Downloads/test.exe 

|                          Entry point                           |
| Address         | 0x19eb0                                      |
| Section Name    | .text                                        |
| Virtual Address | 0x1000                                       |
| Virtual Size    | 0x1a64a                                      |
| Raw Address     | 0x400                                        |
| Raw Size        | 0x1a800                                      |
| Entropy         | 6.3360176                                    |
| Characteristics | 60000020 (CNT_CODE | MEM_EXECUTE | MEM_READ) |
|                                                                          Sections                                                                           |
| Name   | Virtual Address | Virtual Address Size | Raw Address | Raw Address Size | Entropy   | Characteristics                                              |
| .text  | 0x1000          | 0x1a64a              | 0x400       | 0x1a800          | 6.3360176 | 60000020 (CNT_CODE | MEM_EXECUTE | MEM_READ)                 |
| .rdata | 0x1c000         | 0x7e44               | 0x1ac00     | 0x8000           | 5.1286488 | 40000040 (CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA | MEM_READ)                   |
| .data  | 0x24000         | 0x318                | 0x22c00     | 0x200            | 1.5757816 | C0000040 (CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA | MEM_READ | MEM_WRITE)       |
| .pdata | 0x25000         | 0x11e8               | 0x22e00     | 0x1200           | 5.1656566 | 40000040 (CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA | MEM_READ)                   |
| .reloc | 0x27000         | 0x344                | 0x24000     | 0x400            | 4.90169   | 42000040 (CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA | MEM_DISCARDABLE | MEM_READ) |
|                               Rich Headers                                |
| Product Name | Build | Product ID | Count | Guessed Visual Studio Version |
| Implib900    | 30729 | 147        | 12    | VS2008 SP1 build 30729        |
| Implib1400   | 29913 | 257        | 2     | VS2019 v16.9.2 build 29913    |
| Utc1900_CPP  | 29913 | 261        | 22    | VS2019 v16.9.2 build 29913    |
| Utc1900_C    | 29913 | 260        | 9     | VS2019 v16.9.2 build 29913    |
| Masm1400     | 29913 | 259        | 3     | VS2019 v16.9.2 build 29913    |
| Implib1400   | 26715 | 257        | 9     | UNKNOWN PRODUCT               |
| Import0      | 0     | 1          | 164   | Unmarked objects              |
| Unknown      | 0     | 0          | 17    | Unmarked objects (old)        |
| Linker1400   | 29914 | 258        | 1     | VS2019 v16.9.4 build 29914    |
|                                                                Signatures                                                                 |
| Signature #1                                                                                                                              |
| Signature Digest: 8fb889c04c8e8b755c1b6355aa804f8a                                                                                        |
| Signer                                                                                                                                    |
| Issuer                    | CN=StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Object CA,OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing,O=StartCom Ltd.,C=IL |
| Serial Number             | 0D:C2                                                                                                         |
| Certificate #0                                                                                                                            |
| Certificate Issuer        | CN=Thawte Timestamping CA,OU=Thawte Certification,O=Thawte,L=Durbanville,ST=Western Cape,C=ZA                 |
| Certificate Subject       | CN=Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2,O=Symantec Corporation,C=US                                        |
| Certificate Serial Number | 7E:93:EB:FB:7C:C6:4E:59:EA:4B:9A:77:D4:06:FC:3B                                                               |
| Certificate #1                                                                                                                            |
| Certificate Issuer        | CN=Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2,O=Symantec Corporation,C=US                                        |
| Certificate Subject       | CN=Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G4,O=Symantec Corporation,C=US                                    |
| Certificate Serial Number | 0E:CF:F4:38:C8:FE:BF:35:6E:04:D8:6A:98:1B:1A:50                                                               |
| Certificate #2                                                                                                                            |
| Certificate Issuer        | CN=StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Object CA,OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing,O=StartCom Ltd.,C=IL |
| Certificate Subject       |,CN=VAlera Sok0lov,L=T0msk,ST=T0msk Oblast,C=RU,DESCRIPTION=2ylE67ffj51UCbym         |
| Certificate Serial Number | 0D:C2                                                                                                         |
|                                    Imports                                     |
| Module Name                       | Imports                                    |
| kernel32.dll                      | IsProcessorFeaturePresent                  |
|                                   | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter                |
|                                   | UnhandledExceptionFilter                   |
|                                   | IsDebuggerPresent                          |
|                                   | RtlVirtualUnwind                           |
|                                   | InitializeSListHead                        |
|                                   | GetCurrentThreadId                         |
|                                   | WriteConsoleW                              |
|                                   | GetConsoleMode                             |
|                                   | GetModuleHandleA                           |
|                                   | FormatMessageW                             |
|                                   | GetModuleHandleW                           |
|                                   | TryEnterCriticalSection                    |
|                                   | LeaveCriticalSection                       |
|                                   | AcquireSRWLockExclusive                    |
|                                   | ReleaseSRWLockExclusive                    |
|                                   | InitializeCriticalSection                  |
|                                   | CloseHandle                                |
|                                   | ReleaseMutex                               |
|                                   | GetLastError                               |
|                                   | GetCurrentProcess                          |
|                                   | GetCurrentThread                           |
|                                   | RtlCaptureContext                          |
|                                   | GetProcAddress                             |
|                                   | RtlLookupFunctionEntry                     |
|                                   | SetLastError                               |
|                                   | GetCurrentDirectoryW                       |
|                                   | GetEnvironmentVariableW                    |
|                                   | WriteFile                                  |
|                                   | EnterCriticalSection                       |
|                                   | GetCurrentProcessId                        |
|                                   | QueryPerformanceCounter                    |
|                                   | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime                    |
|                                   | GetProcessHeap                             |
|                                   | HeapAlloc                                  |
|                                   | HeapFree                                   |
|                                   | TlsGetValue                                |
|                                   | TlsSetValue                                |
|                                   | TlsAlloc                                   |
|                                   | HeapReAlloc                                |
|                                   | AcquireSRWLockShared                       |
|                                   | ReleaseSRWLockShared                       |
|                                   | AddVectoredExceptionHandler                |
|                                   | SetThreadStackGuarantee                    |
|                                   | WaitForSingleObjectEx                      |
|                                   | LoadLibraryA                               |
|                                   | CreateMutexA                               |
|                                   | GetStdHandle                               |
| vcruntime140.dll                  | __current_exception                        |
|                                   | __C_specific_handler                       |
|                                   | __current_exception_context                |
|                                   | memcmp                                     |
|                                   | memcpy                                     |
|                                   | memmove                                    |
|                                   | memset                                     |
|                                   | __CxxFrameHandler3                         |
|                                   | _CxxThrowException                         |
| api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll | _initterm                                  |
|                                   | _initterm_e                                |
|                                   | exit                                       |
|                                   | _exit                                      |
|                                   | _initialize_narrow_environment             |
|                                   | __p___argc                                 |
|                                   | __p___argv                                 |
|                                   | _cexit                                     |
|                                   | _c_exit                                    |
|                                   | _register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback |
|                                   | _configure_narrow_argv                     |
|                                   | _seh_filter_exe                            |
|                                   | _get_initial_narrow_environment            |
|                                   | _initialize_onexit_table                   |
|                                   | _register_onexit_function                  |
|                                   | _crt_atexit                                |
|                                   | terminate                                  |
|                                   | _set_app_type                              |
| api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll    | __setusermatherr                           |
| api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll   | __p__commode                               |
|                                   | _set_fmode                                 |
| api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll  | _configthreadlocale                        |
| api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll    | _set_new_mode                              |
|                                   | free                                       |
|                                    Resources                                     |
| Resources Type | Offset | Resource Id      | Language ID | Data Start | Data End |
| Icon           | 3      | ID(1)            | ID(1033)    | 0xb4c4     | 0xc16c   |
| String         | 6      | ID(4089)         | ID(0)       | 0xc16c     | 0xc45e   |
| String         | 6      | ID(4090)         | ID(0)       | 0xc460     | 0xc76c   |
| String         | 6      | ID(4091)         | ID(0)       | 0xc76c     | 0xca3a   |
| String         | 6      | ID(4093)         | ID(0)       | 0xca3c     | 0xcaa4   |
| String         | 6      | ID(4094)         | ID(0)       | 0xcaa4     | 0xcb58   |
| String         | 6      | ID(4095)         | ID(0)       | 0xcb58     | 0xcc06   |
| RCData         | 10     | ID(11111)        | ID(0)       | 0xcc08     | 0xcc34   |
| GroupIcon      | 14     | Name("MAINICON") | ID(1033)    | 0xcc34     | 0xcc48   |
| Version        | 16     | ID(1)            | ID(1033)    | 0xcc48     | 0xd13c   |
| Manifest       | 24     | ID(1)            | ID(1033)    | 0xd13c     | 0xd724   |
| Thread Local Storage (TLS) Callbacks  |
| Address           | 0x14000cf00       |

License: Apache License