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Documentation for UI-Search Content - by Rebal M

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions for setting up, deploying, and configuring the UI-Search Content application. It includes all commands, configurations, and dependencies required to run the application. OPEN THE PDF 'Documentation for UI-Search Content - assessment - by Rebal M.pdf' under the main folder for better viewing or read below.

To clone the project use this url or git clone:


This React-based web application enables users to search, filter, and manage contact details. The key features include: Search filters for contact fields such as name, email, phone, address, etc. A paginated results table. Ability to select and display details of a specific contact.


Search Filters: Users can search for contacts using parameters like name, email, or address. etc. Results Table: Displays contact results with pagination and selection functionality. Selected Contact: Displays detailed information about the selected contact. Pagination: Allows navigating through the results with "Next" and "Previous" buttons.


Before setting up the application, ensure that the following tools are installed: Node.js (v16 or higher) and npm (comes with Node.js) React Developer Tools (optional but recommended for debugging) I personally used VS code for my editor.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository First, clone the project repository to your local machine using Git: git clone


2. Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies specified in the package.json file: bash/cmd line (with in terminal): npm install

3. Install React-Bootstrap (this project I made use of Boostrap for easier integration with CSS for styling)

This application uses React-Bootstrap for styling. So, please download Bootstrap components, install it using the following commands: npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Add the following line to the index.js or App.js file to include the Bootstrap CSS

###4. Start the Development Server (to Run the code for this Project) Run the following command to start the application: npm start

This will launch the application in your default browser at http://localhost:3000. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT USE ARE NOT USING HOST 3000 for any other projects or file before beginning.

File Structure Here’s a brief overview of the project file structure: root/ │ ├── public/ # Public assets (e.g.,favicon,index.html) ├── mockData.json
├── src/ # Source files │ ├── components/ # Reusable React components │ │ ├── ResultsTable.js # Displays paginated search results │ │ ├── SearchFilters.js # Search input fields for filtering contacts │ │ └── SelectedContact.js # Displays the selected contact details │ ├── App.js # Main application component │ ├── index.js # Application entry point │ └── App.css # Custom CSS styles │ ├── package.json # Project metadata and dependencies └── # Project documentation

Start Development Server: npm start

Install Dependencies: npm install

Install React-Bootstrap: npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Build for Production: npm run build

TESTING/ Explanation of application:
let's discuss why React was used for this assessment, react is a javascript tool that allows for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces which are perfect for the given front-end requirements: So, for the following application in React, I made use of: SearchBar for inputs. ResultsTable for displaying results. SelectedContact for showing selected details. Use useState for managing search criteria and results. Use useEffect to re-filter results when search criteria change.

Add Contacts Data: Update the Sample contacts data in the public folder of the mockData.json file in the project application. There are about 5 data samples for use. The current set pagination limit is 3, but can be changed depending on requirements. Change Pagination Limit: To modify the number of items per page in ResultsTable.js: Search for the line: const itemsPerPage = ;

The code was not built into a production-ready build as it was not required for the assessment, but I included the steps just in case, to build the Application: Run the following command in the terminal always make sure user in the project folder PATH:: bash/cmd line: npm run build Serve the Build: Use any static server to serve the build folder. For example: Using serve: bash /cmd line: npm install -g serve serve -s build

Troubleshooting - Just in case

1. Port Already in Use

If the default port 3000 is already in use, you can run the app on a different port: bash PORT=3001 npm start

2. Dependency Issues

If you encounter issues while installing dependencies, try clearing the node_modules folder and reinstalling: bash rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json npm install


ui contect search






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