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a simple plotter for morden C++.



more shots in screenshots.

Simple Plotter (Splot)

This is a very simple plotter module, providing a drawing interface and a low-level rendering interface. It can be easily ported to various UI platforms by implement the render API.

irender.h  an An abstract API of render,please implement a render.
isploter.h  the abstract interface of sploter
sploter_data.h the interface of curves data.


  1. implement the irender API

!! Note !!

  • render origin should be left-top
  • render x increase from left to right
  • render y increase from top to bottom
  1. init std::unique_ptr<isploter> plot_ with a sploter_factory::create() pointer instance.
  2. call plot_->draw(render_->init(&ctx)); in the UI draw(ctx) function.
  3. call handle_events and mouse_click.
  4. run and show the UI!
  bool eplot::cursor(context const &ctx, point p, cursor_tracking status)
   return  plot_->handle_events(render_->init(&ctx), p.x, p.y, static_cast<isploter::cursor_tracking>(status));

  bool eplot::click(const context &ctx, mouse_button btn)
    tracker<>::click(ctx, btn);
    return plot_->mouse_click(
        render_->init(&ctx), btn.pos.x, btn.pos.y, btn.down, static_cast<isploter::mouse_key>(btn.state));

add link to splot library in cmake

target_link_libraries(splot_example splot::splot)

more see the examples


tree view
|_ splot 
    |_...(this project folder)
|_ elements
|_ fltk-1.4.x
|_ nanogui 

There are some examples:

  • elements based on elements-ui ,smooth and interactivaty
  • fltk based on fltk-1.4.x(cmake support), no alpha channel for colors, delays event with doubled buffer.
  • nanogui based on nanogui(mitsuba-renderer branch)


There's an example for elements UI. Please check the SPLOT_BUILD_EXAMPLES option to be ON (default is ON).

Steps to build

  1. first download elements somewhere.
    git clone 
  2. set the ELEMENTS_ROOT value to the path elements. It's set to examples/CMakeLists.txt
  1. build with cmake

Know Behaviors

  • x,y axes grid may NOT divided by 10, it's intend to auto fix the data ranges. Also try to make Zero(original XY) on the grid.
  • axes may adjust to the data ranges


  • optimize axes grid division
  • port to FLTK
  • port to nanogui
  • make grid/legand/markers interactions available on screen


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