In this repository, there are some simple projects done with the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB.
All of the projects are open source and you can use it for your own projects.
In projects directory, for every project there is:
- file with the code of the project.
- xyz.pdf file with the description of the project.
Where xyz is the name of the project.
So, before using any of the projects, I recommend reading the xyz.pdf file.
In order to use, and develop any of these projects, read this guide to know what tools are required before you start.
- راسبيري باي ببساطة: Abdulla Ali Abdulla
- Sparkfun's Raspberry gPIo
All DOCUMENTS inside this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All SOURCE codes & BINARIES are licensed under Mit License.
All credits and external sources are listed inside the page and inside this repo, references themselves.