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Telegram Ethereum Boilerplate

Developed by Mad Devs License

Boilerplate for creating a Telegram bot with Ethereum wallet integration. This project allows users to connect their Ethereum wallets to a Telegram bot via WalletConnect or directly through a browser extension (e.g., MetaMask).


  • Creating a Telegram bot using the gramio library
  • Connecting an Ethereum wallet via WalletConnect (QR code)
  • Connecting an Ethereum wallet via browser extension (window.ethereum)
  • Wallet ownership verification through message signing
  • Reliable message sending through a queue
  • Logging with configurable detail level



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
cd telegram-ethereum-boilerplate
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env file based on .env.example:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Fill in your .env file with your data:
# Telegram Bot

# Server

# WalletConnect
WC_CHAIN_ID=1 # Ethereum Mainnet

# Logging


Development Mode

npm run dev

Build and Run in Production

npm run build
npm start

Project Structure

├── constants.ts           # Application constants
├── lib/                   # Helper functions and classes
│   ├── logger.ts          # Logger
│   └── utils.ts           # Utilities
├── main.ts                # Application entry point
├── telegram/              # Module for working with Telegram
│   ├── bot.ts             # Telegram bot class with message queue
│   └── messages.ts        # Message templates
├── types/                 # Types and interfaces
│   ├── config.ts          # Configuration type
│   ├── telegram.ts        # Types for Telegram
│   └── wallet.ts          # Types for wallet operations
└── wallet/                # Module for wallet operations
    ├── express-app.ts     # Express application
    └── wallet-connect.ts  # Class for working with WalletConnect

Implementation Features

Message Queue

The boilerplate uses a message queue for reliable message sending to Telegram. This allows:

  • Avoiding Telegram API rate limits for message sending
  • Guaranteeing message delivery even with temporary connection issues
  • Centralized handling of sending errors

WalletConnect Error Handling

Global error handling for WalletConnect is implemented, which prevents the application from crashing when errors occur in the WalletConnect library.

Production Setup

For production deployment, it is recommended to:

  1. Set up HTTPS using Nginx or another proxy server
  2. Update BACKEND_URL in the .env file to your domain with HTTPS
  3. Register your domain in the WalletConnect Dashboard for verification

Extending Functionality

The boilerplate provides basic functionality for wallet connection. You can extend it by adding:

  • Saving user data to a database
  • Integration with smart contracts
  • Additional commands and functions for the Telegram bot
  • Multilingual support using i18n

Getting the Required Keys and Tokens

Getting a Telegram Bot Token

  1. Open Telegram and find @BotFather
  2. Send the /newbot command
  3. Follow BotFather's instructions to create a new bot:
    • Specify the bot name (e.g., "My Ethereum Bot")
    • Specify the bot username (must end with "bot", e.g., "my_ethereum_bot")
  4. After successful bot creation, BotFather will provide you with a bot token that looks something like: 123456789:ABCDefGhIJKlmNoPQRsTUVwxyZ
  5. Copy this token to your .env file in the TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN field

Getting a WalletConnect Project ID

  1. Go to WalletConnect Cloud
  2. Register or log in to an existing account
  3. Click the "Create New Project" button
  4. Enter a project name (e.g., "Telegram Ethereum Bot")
  5. After creating the project, you will receive a Project ID
  6. Copy the Project ID to your .env file in the WC_PROJECT_ID field
  7. In the project settings on WalletConnect Cloud, add the domains from which requests will be accepted (for development, you can use localhost)


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