- www.hiphops.io
- @lukasco
mapreader is a tiny Golang library for accessing arbitrary keys from maps - especially useful when dealing with semi-unknown JSON payloads
Emote Portrait Alive: Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
AI-based Pull Request Summarizer and Reviewer with Chat Capabilities.
GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
Provides url_encode and url_decode functions for mysql that respect utf8 characters.
lukaso / cube
Forked from square/cubeCube: A system for time series visualization.
Cube: A system for time series visualization.
Ruby Coding Challenge #6: implement a Ruby client for Postcode Anywhere
Brickify turns your images into bricked out awesome.
lukaso / TiAdMob4iPhone
Forked from masuidrive/TiAdMob4iPhoneAdMob module for Titanium Mobile iPhone
lukaso / rubyamp
Forked from timcharper/rubyampTextMate bundle - Amplified Mate Productivity
lukaso / git-tmbundle
Forked from jcf/git-tmbundleThe Git TextMate Bundle
Generates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rspec suite and optional Acts as State Machine support built-in.
lukaso / typo
Forked from publify/publifyTypo is the oldest and most powerful Ruby on Rails blogware, providing custom templates, powerful drag and drop plugins API, advanced SEO capabilities, XMLRPC API and many more.
lukaso / qunit
Forked from qunitjs/qunitAn easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.
AdMob module for Titanium Mobile iPhone
Generates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rspec suite and optional Acts as State Machine support built-in.
Send e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and request information.
Quickly check your rails controller actions require authentication
🔮 An easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework.
jcf / git-tmbundle
Forked from timcharper/git-tmbundleThe no longer maintained Git TextMate Bundle