42 Paris
- in/lucas-lefrancq-0064a9151
42_ft_linux Public
School project: build a basic, but functional, linux distribution.
UpdatedJun 7, 2023 -
42_inception Public
School project: set up a web server using Docker-Compose, with each service running separately in its own container.
42_lem-ipc Public
School projet: create a multiprocessus game using UNIX System V IPC mechanics (shared memory segment, semaphores sets and message queues).
C UpdatedMay 31, 2023 -
42_piscine_electronique Public
Optionnal project: microcontroller programming on ATMega328P, with I/O registers, PWM cycle, interrupts, EEPROM access and UART/I2C/SPI serial communication.
42_taskmaster Public
School project: develop a job controller, configurable at launch with a config file and providing a shell to the user.
42_ft_ping Public
School projet: reimplement ping internet utility, using a raw socket and IP/ICMP protocols.
42_cub3D Public
School project: create a video game using ray-casting technology and a graphic library (with all the bonuses).
42_webserv Public
School projet : implement a server handling HTTP protocol using UNIX socket.
42_Containator Public
Personnal project: a tester for the 42 ft_containers project made with @hherin.
42_ft_containers Public
School project: reimplement the STL containers (using allocator, double linked list and AVL binary trees).
42_push_swap Public
School project: implement the best algorithm to sort one stack using another stack (quicksort algorithm).
C UpdatedOct 26, 2021 -
42_philosophers Public
School project: introduction to the basics of threading a process and how to work on the same memory space.
42_get_next_line Public
School project: code a function that reads from a file descriptor and returns a line ending with a newline (with all the bonuses).
C UpdatedMar 26, 2021 -
42_exam_rank_04 Public
School project: third exam of the mandatory part of new 42 cursus.
42_minishell Public
School project: create a shell working like bash.
42_ft_printf Public
School project: reimplement printf in C (with all the bonuses, including the floats and Dragon4 algorithm).
42_CPP_piscine Public
School project: learn C++ language through different little exercices.
42_ft_services Public
School project: set a cluster with several services using Docker and Kubernetes.
42_libasm Public
School project: get familiar with assembly language (with all the bonuses).
42_libft Public
School project: code a C library regrouping usual functions that will be allowed to use in all other 42projects (with all the bonuses).
C UpdatedNov 25, 2020