Having a personal website is interesting. It feels simultaneously like too much work yet also not much work at all. When I sit down and get started with something on the site, I find that time passes pretty quickly. But it's difficult in the first place to get started with changes.
- Perhaps a page on powerlifting, climbing, fitness
- Maybe a page about birds?
- Book Review page!
- Maybe a page about purchases I've made that I really like?
- Semi-automate pandoc conversion via template and bash script
I wrote a script in this folder that I titled md_to_html which runs pandoc and sed to convert from md to html, format my html headers, and stick the written content into the template. Should make it a lot easier to write articles and not worry about the manual html copy-pasting afterwards.
md_to_html.sh filename title
is the format.
. md_to_html.sh ./md/SQL-Server-GUID-Sort-Order.md "SQL Server GUID Sort Order"
Converting from markdown to html is done by:
pandoc test1.md -f markdown -t html -s -o test1.html
- pandoc [name] is the markdown file name
- -f [type] is from type
- -t [type] is to type
- -s is standalone (HTML with a header and footer)
- -o [name] is output to what file