- Berlin, Germany
- https://dataplanes.org/
- in/lisa-hehnke
lhehnke.github.io Public
Data for lhehnke.github.io; originally forked from jmcglone/jmcglone.github.io.
opensciencemooc-followers Public
Replication code and data for analyzing the Open Science MOOC community on Twitter
2 UpdatedJan 20, 2022 -
womenwhocode-talk Public
Slides for a talk on Data Science for Social Good (Women Who Code Berlin).
scientific-works Public
Collection of academic papers and essays from my (under-)graduate studies in quantitative social science, history, and I/O psychology
UpdatedJul 2, 2021 -
getting-started-rladies Public
Slides for a session on Getting started with R (R-Ladies Berlin).
HTML UpdatedFeb 18, 2020 -
dg_hackathon_berlinR Public
Forked from favstats/dg_hackathon_berlinRJavaScript UpdatedFeb 5, 2020 -
dino-viz Public
Replication script and data for an animated timeline showing dinosaur species over time
metwo-slides Public
Forked from CorrelAid/metwo-slidesSlides for our keynote on #MeTwo
HTML UpdatedAug 2, 2019 -
reddit-data Public
Script for scraping, processing, and mining Reddit comments using the example of the "Today I Learned" subreddit
R UpdatedJun 14, 2019 -
aircrash-analysis-data Public
Replication data for point pattern analysis of airplane accidents in Florida (2014)
project-killR Public
Source code for a dashboard featuring data, statistics, and interactive visualizations on international serial killers from 1435-2013
serial-killers Public
Project killR: Data and analyses on both international and US American serial killers
youtube-data Public
Replication code for analyzing YouTube comments and video statistics on the Florida High School Shooting in February 2018
we2-twitter-analysis Public
Replication script for analyzing the development, key actors, and contents of the #We2 movement on Twitter
2 UpdatedMay 26, 2019 -
aviation-accidents-data Public
Scraper for aviation accident data from (1) the Aviation Safety Network database and (2) the Plane Crash Info database
workshop_minor Public
Slides and data for a workshop on "Text as data: Mining digital trace data with R" (Minor – Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin)
text-mining-literature Public
Scripts for processing and mining (classic) literature and other text data, such as screenplays
amazon-data Public
Scraping functions for (1) Amazon customer reviews and (2) product information from best sellers list
crime-data Public
Historical data on executions in the US (1801-1900) and script for scraping, wrangling, mapping, and visualizing data on US executions
R UpdatedFeb 10, 2018 -
maps-traffic-routes Public
Script for mapping airline routes using OpenFlights data combined with NASA's night lights images
music-analysis Public
Script for processing, mining, and visualizing song lyrics
road-accidents Public
Script for wrangling, geocoding, analyzing, and mapping Australian road accident data
beautiful-jekyll Public
Forked from daattali/beautiful-jekyllBuild a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes. Demo at http://deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll
HTML MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2018 -
twitter-data Public
Scripts for scraping, wrangling, geocoding, analyzing, and mapping Twitter data
spatial-gravity-model-data Public
Replication data for spatial gravity analyses and R script to build dyadic data sets for spatial gravity models