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szakdolgozat - Bachelor's thesis

1D convection-diffusion equation solver to be coupled to the Runaphys runaway electron generation model (

  • time and space dependent coefficinets
  • coefficient reading from CSV files
  • Dirac-delta and uniform density initial value conditions
  • 2D time vs. space contour plotting
  • solving on 1D cylindrical mesh or simple 1D mesh
  • partial HDF5 export and import capabilities
  • convection verified with analytical solution
  • diffusion verified on slab geometry as well as cylindrical geometry
  • runaway generation code implementation
  • in specific functions runaway electrons in magnetic islands are treated differently


  1. New Anaconda enviromnet -> Anaconda CMD Prompt:
  2. >>> conda create --name <MYFIPYENV> --channel conda-forge python=3.9.4 numpy scipy matplotlib future h5py
  3. >>> pip install fipy
  4. Run Jupyter Notebook 6.1.4 or higher in MYFIPYENV
  5. Run scripts


  • 1D modelling of runaway electron transport outside of a cylindrical magnetic field in the ergodic zone along the radius. (Approximating tokamak fusion reactors' toroidal vacuum chambers)
  • Using runaway electron generation code from OSREP/Runaphys ( for Dreicer and avalanche generation

Some obtained results

Dreicer generation 1000x1000 resolution with islands treated separately Dreicer_withI

Avalanche generation 1000x1000 resolution with islands treated separately - This is the closest to the reference material. (The avalanche generation is basically none because of the collision time.) avalanche_withI


Model based on the following paper: K. Särkimäki, E. Hirvijoki, J. Decker, J. Varje and T. Kurki-Suonio, „An advection–diffusion model for cross-field runaway electron transport in perturbed magnetic fields”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 58., no. 12., p. 125017., 2016., ISSN: 1361-6587. (

Using FiPy (


1D convection-diffusion equation solver






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