Martin Blais
I aspire to build elegant and useful things.
I like to build beautiful things. New York City
Senior Vue.js Developer
Senior Vue.js Developer with a passion for crafting exceptional web applications. With expertise in 🌟 Vue.js, 🚀 Nuxt.js, and ⚙️ Node.js 💻🚀 @mustafacagri
Vue Companies Istanbul
Trina Chatterjee
Software Engineer @google | Previously CS, Math @ UT Austin. Interested in NLP, deep learning, and distributed systems.
San Francisco, CA
Kento Nishi
Undergrad AI researcher and web developer at Harvard.
Harvard University Cambridge, MA / San Jose, CA
Jaewon Lee
Your above-average student with strong interests in math, computer science, and just about anything else STEM-related. President and founder of LGHS Coding Club
Australasian Youth Cubesat Initiative USofA
Y lost the passwords of the old account and the email he used to sign up in an accident.
Rick Zhang
UC Berkeley,
Creative student interested in problem solving and computer technologies.
Plano, TX