If you want to see more demo videos showing indepth actions, you can find them at https://kubeflame.github.io/#demo
Create a hybrid application that can help in the management of Kubernetes based resources, including Helm charts.
In the kubernetes world Go is a first class language and is tightly coupled with it, therefore it was an obvious pick. But, in order to make it available on multiple platforms a web-based framework was the imminent solution, thus Svelte was the choice for the frontend.
The instalation notes for the pre-built binaries and Helm chart can be accessed at https://kubeflame.github.io/#install-notes
The application can be started locally from a binary file, and you can connect to a cluster by providing a kubeconfig location or an access token along with the master URL. Then you will need to access the web interface on the configured port -- http://localhost:3001 by default.
$ lutho start
(and provide the connection details in the interface)
$ lutho start --port 1337 --kubeconfig /some/location/config
The application is configured and deployed using a Helm chart and the interface is accessed using the configured ingress path. (i.e. - http://mycluster.io/lutho/)
In this scenario you can also constrain the access using RBAC and add another layer of security by protecting the ingress using a tool like OAuth2 Proxy.
- go
- nodejs (yarn)
go generate ./... && go build -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.AppVersion=<provide-a-version>'"
./lutho -h
lutho - Manage Kubernetes based resources in a different way
lutho [global options] command [command options]
KubeFlame <https://github.com/kubeflame>
start Starts the application
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
./lutho start -h
lutho start - Starts the application
lutho start [command options]
This command will start the application
--port value the port where the UI can be accessed at (default: "3001")
--kubeconfig value kubeconfig file path (default: "/Users/alex/.kube/config")
--access-token value kubernetes cluster access token
--master-url value kubernetes master URL
--in-cluster set this flag if the app is inside the kubernetes cluster (default: false)
--help, -h show help
Once the application is started lutho start <options>
, by default it is available at localhost:3001