Fast and simple translating website plugin- just type language, make JSON file and go! Check DEMO
Download this repository or clone it using command line:
git clone
Insert jsLang.js file in your project from /dist/ folder like this:
<script src="j/"></script>
of course you can also use minified version:
<script src="j/"></script>
The best way is to input this file just before closing body tag in your *.html file
Then you just add simple JavaScript code into your project, after inserted plugin file like this:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
languages: ['en']
Of course you can also use it with jQuery if yow want to:
$(document).ready(function() {
languages: ['en']
Of course you can insert this code in existing files, functions and so on- it should work even with frameworks quite well.
In jsLang you must configure just one option to start work- list of your languages. This is an array in which you must type code of each language in ISO 639-1 standard. Yeah, that seems very difficult isn't it? Bu don't bother about this- you see this all the time. Wikipedia will explain everything. or better- just look at this code:
languages: ['pl', 'en']
Look at this- 2 languages added (Polish, English). That's all what do you need before two final steps! It's easy, I've told you! If you want- just type some more languages like de,* fr*, it and so on. You can even add Martian language, really!
languages: ['pl', 'en', 'martian']
This part will create trigger buttons for each language.
Now let's make our phrases in both languages. I'm making jsLang-EN.json and jsLang-PL.js and inserting them in /assets/. Remember the name pattern: jsLang-CODE.json where your language code is part of name of the file written uppercase. Just like... jsLang-MARTIAN.json. In my "english file" I will write something like this.
"navTitle": "Website title in English language",
"text": {
"1": {
"content": "English lorem ipsum in content 1"
"2": {
"content": "English lorem ipsum in content 2"
"3": {
"content": "English lorem ipsum in content 3"
In "polish file":
"navTitle": "Tytuł strony po polsku",
"text": {
"1": {
"content": "Polskie lorem ipsum w treści 1"
"2": {
"content": "Polskie lorem ipsum w treści 2"
"3": {
"content": "Polskie lorem ipsum w treści 3"
Now our script will know where find phrases in each language. Remember that plugin in this case replaces innerHTML so remember about HTML tags!
The last step is paste our string into HTML code like this:
<h2 data-jslang-txt="1">Normal heading text without chosen language</h2>
<p data-jslang-txt="2">Normal text for first paragraph (without chosen language)</p>
<p data-jslang-txt="3">Normal text for second paragraph (without chosen language)</p>
That's all! You've made it! Of course you can mix this as you want like...
<h2 data-jslang-txt="1">three clones</h2>
<p data-jslang-txt="1">three clones</p>
<p data-jslang-txt="1">three clones</p>
And one more thing- your body tag is getting class for each language, so you can style it as you want.
You can translate not just text content but also these attributes:
- href
- title
- alt
- src
In *.html file:
<a href="#" data-jslang-txt="1" data-jslang-href="1" data-jslang-href="1">Some text</a>
<img src="i/" alt="some alt text" data-jslang-alt="1" data-jslang-src="1">
in your *.json file:
"href": {
"1": {
"content": ""
"title": {
"1": {
"content": "My blog"
"alt": {
"1": {
"content": "red image"
"src": {
"1": {
"content": ""
Of course you can translate one attribute if you want to like:
<a href="#" data-jslang-href="1">Just HREF will change</a>
<img src="i/" alt="I will be changed" data-jslang-alt="1">
Plugin will remember user choices- by default we are using sessionStorage. You can also specify localStorage in very fast way:
languages: [...],
storage: 'local'
It's your choice.
If you want to auto translate your content even for new users you can add true parameter
languages: [...]
How to specify default language? In your HTML tag like this:
<html lang="en">
But remember that some of your guests can have browsers without JavaScript- like Google Bot. So... the best way is to make this like this:
<p data-jslang-txt="1">Fallback text when browser not support JavaScript for paragraph</p>
Something wrong? Check your console! It's quite possible that you will find answer there. Main causes of errors are:
- broken JS configuration (check here)
- not existing or bad JSON file (check here)
If only some part of your website is translated I'm quite sure that you have an error in your JSON file. Check your console- there should be lert like:
Broken data for element: data-jslang-txt, ID 15
in file: assets/jsLang-EN.json
I'm waiting for pull requests and your questions!
- Make some demo site
- Optimalization
- Add unit tests (it's not TDD)
- Make it DRY (there is so many repeats of code...)
- Think about martian lang...