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Sequential minimal optimization for support vector machine. Support vector machine for binary and multi class (one vs one strategy) classification.

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Sequential minimal optimization for support vector machine.
Support vector machine for binary and multi class (one vs one strategy) classification.
Only radial basis function kernel for now.

Goal is to implement from scratch.

If you aren't expert in lagrangian arithmetics (I'm not), this is a great ressource to get started with SMO.

How to use :

1. Binary classification

# β = binaryβ(x::Array{Float64,2}, y::Vector{Int64}, classpos::Int64, classneg::Int64, splitα::Float64, mi::Int64, mp::Int64, k::String, c::Float64, γ::Float64)

# x = training features
# y = training labels
# classpos = used for multi class. Use 1
# classneg = used for multi class. Use -1
# splitα =  Ntraining / (Ntraining + Ntesting) -> use to set how many training samples you want to feed the model with
# mi = max iteration for smo
# mp = max smo loops without change to tolerance
# k = kernel type. For now, only "rbf" (radial basis function kernel)
# c = regularization parameter
# γ = RBF kernel parameter

binaryModel = binaryβ(xx, yy, 1, -1, 0.5, 1000, 1000, "rbf", 0.6, 0.1)

# try the model on new feature samples ( myfeatures )
predictions = predict(myfeatures, binaryModel.β)

Using some dataset from kaggle :

cd("your file path")
kaggle_file = "heart.csv"

function loadNpreprocess()
    data = CSV.File(kaggle_file) |> DataFrame
    x = convert(Array{Float64,2}, data[:,1:13])
    y = vec(data[:,14])
    replace!(y, 0 => -1)
    return x, y

# get features and labels
xx, yy = loadNpreprocess()

# try the classifier with and without normalisation and see results
# xx[:,1] = normalise(xx[:,1])
# xx[:,4] = normalise(xx[:,4])
# xx[:,5] = normalise(xx[:,5])
# xx[:,8] = normalise(xx[:,8])

# feed features and labels into binary classifier
binaryModel = binaryβ(xx, yy, 1, -1, 0.5, 1000, 1000, "rbf", 0.6, 0.1)

2. Multi class classification

iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")

mapping = multiClassPreprocess(iris) # some pre processing to data
y = vec(convert(Array, mapping[:,1])) # get labels
x = convert(Array, mapping[:,2:5]) # get features
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = splitTestTrain(x, y, 0.5) # split first time for fresh unseen data

models, labels = βbattleground(x_train, y_train, 0.9, 1000, 1000, "rbf", 0.6, 0.001) # feed xtrain into one vs one method
print(labels) # check our labels
predictions = kaloskagathing(models, x_test, labels) # check our prediction on xtest
accu = computeAccuracy(predictions, y_test)

3. Grid search

Find best hyper params (c, γ) combination from range.

# xx are our features, yy our labels

binaryModel = binaryβ(xx, yy, 1, -1, 0.5, 1000, 1000, "rbf", 0.6, 0.1)
models = gridSearch(xx, yy, 0.5, 1000, 1000, "rbf")

Classification results on random clusterised data points :

White dots = training data
Blue markers = testing data failure
Orange markers = testing data success

image info

How it works :

1. Sequential minimal optimization

function smo!::SVM)
    m = size.x, 1)
    for i = 1:m
        # does rbf betzeen all rows of features into columns of K
        β.k[:,i] = kernel.x, β.x[i,:], β)

    passes = 0
    while passes < β.max_passes

        Δα = 0

        for i = 1:m

            Ei = computeError(i, β)

            if.y[i] * Ei < -β.tol && β.α[i] < β.c) ||.y[i] * Ei > β.tol && β.α[i] > 0)

                j = rand(1:m)
                if j == i
                    j = rand(1:m)

                L, H = computeBounds(i, j, β)
                L == H && continue

                η = 2.0 * β.k[i, j] - β.k[i, i] - β.k[j, j]
                η >= 0 && continue

                Ej = computeError(j, β)

                α_io, α_jo = β.α[i], β.α[j]

                β.α[j] -=.y[j] * (Ei - Ej)) / η
                β.α[j] = clamp.α[j], L, H)

                abs.α[j] - α_jo) < β.tol && continue

                β.α[i] = β.α[i] + β.y[i] * β.y[j] * (α_jo - β.α[j])

                b1 = β.b - Ei - β.y[i] *.α[i] - α_jo) * β.k[i, i] -
                     β.y[j] *.α[j] - α_jo) * β.k[i, j]
                b2 = β.b - Ej - β.y[j] *.α[j] - α_jo) * β.k[j, j] -
                     β.y[i] *.α[i] - α_io) * β.k[i, j]

                if 0 < β.α[i] < β.c
                    β.b = b1
                elseif 0 < β.α[j] < β.c
                    β.b = b2
                    β.b = 0.5 * (b1 + b2)

                Δα += 1


            if Δα == 0
                passes += 1
                passes = 0


        β.sv_pos = findall.α .> 0)


2. One Vs One strategy for multi classification

Converts the multi classification task into several binary classifications ones.

There are n * (n - 1) / 2 binary matchups for n labels.

function βbattleground(x::Array{Float64,2}, y::Vector{Int64}, splitα::Float64, mi::Int64, mp::Int64, k::String, c::Float64, γ::Float64)

    n = length(unique(y))
    labels = [i for i in unique(y)]
    binaries = combinations(1:n, 2)
    #nmodels = trunc(Int, n * (n-1) / 2) == length(binaryMaps)

    βs = Array{BinaryModel, 1}(undef, length(binaries))

    idx = 1
    for binary in binaries
        c1 = binary[1]
        c2 = binary[2]

        sidx = findall(x->x  [c1, c2], y)

        xi = x[sidx,:]
        d = Dict([ labels[c1] => 1, labels[c2] => -1])
        yi = getindex.(Ref(d), y[sidx])

        βs[idx] = binaryβ(xi, yi, c1, c2, splitα, mi, mp, k, c, γ)

        idx += 1

    return βs, labels

3. Multi class voting following One Vs One strategy:

The class with the most votes wins.

'Kalos kagathos or kalokagathos (Ancient Greek: καλὸς κἀγαθός [kalòs kaːɡatʰós]),
of which kalokagathia (καλοκαγαθία) is the derived noun, is a phrase used
by classical Greek writers to describe an ideal of gentlemanly personal conduct,
especially in a military context.'

function kaloskagathing(βs::Array{BinaryModel, 1}, x_test::Array{Float64, 2}, classIdx::Array{Int64, 1})

    kaloskagathos = Array{Int64, 2}(undef, size(x_test, 1), length(βs))

    for i in 1:length(βs)
        p = predict(x_test, βs[i].β)

        replace!(p, 1 => βs[i].classpos)
        replace!(p, -1 => βs[i].classneg)
        kaloskagathos[:,i] = p

    kaloskagathos = mapslices(x->countmemb(x), kaloskagathos, dims=2)

    kaloskagathos = findmax.(kaloskagathos)

    kaloskagathos = [(kaloskagathos...)...]

    i = 2:2:length(kaloskagathos)

    return kaloskagathos[i]


Sequential minimal optimization for support vector machine. Support vector machine for binary and multi class (one vs one strategy) classification.






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