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A repository for managing projects and code related to Vanderbilt's CS-5260 - Artificial Intelligence

World Trader Sim

The primary project contained in this repository is a world trader simulation used to explore and experiment with AI search strategies.

Running Simulations

  1. Clone the repo OR download the source code as a zip file and extract it.

  2. Navigate to the WorldTraderSim directory

cd CS-5260/WorldTraderSim
  1. Initialize a virtual environment and install dependencies.
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run to generate a schedule (a full arguments list is included below).
python src/WorldTraderSim/
  1. Graph the best schedule using
python src/WorldTraderSim/

Configuration Tuning

Both the default parameters AND configuration options have been set to the currently best performing settings.

The following arguments are supported to change simulation behavior:

Name Flags Usage Default
Country Name -c, --country-name Sets the self country the AI agent will use Atlantis
State Directory -s, --state-dir Sets the directory that contains the state files SCRIPT_PATH+"/data/states/"
Resources File -r, --resources-file CSV file containing resource definitions resources.csv
Initial State File -i, --initial-state-file CSV file containing the initial game state initial.csv
Output File -o, --output-file File to write schedules generated by the AI agent schedules.txt
Number of Schedules -n, --num-schedules How many schedules to generate 1
Depth Bound -d, --depth-bound How deep to search the graph 100
Frontier Size -f, --frontier-size Maximum size of the frontier 20000
Config --config File to configure global options SCRIPT_PATH+"/config.ini"
Log Level -l, --log-level How verbose logging output will be 20 (INFO)

NOTE: If increasing depth-bound, pay attention to logs to see whether the "Max Frontier Length" is staying under "Max Frontier Size". When the frontier size cannot grow to accomodate newly expanded nodes, the output of search strategies can be impacted. While the performance can be better, the results often aren't. This is particularly true for the default search strategy, HeuristicDepthFirstSearch.

Using a configuratoin file, the following global options can be changed:

Section Option Usage Default
Actions Shuffle Shuffle the list of all actions to avoid deterministic outcomes True
Actions TransferQuantityMax Creates Transfer Actions for resource quantities of 1 -> MAX 5
Actions TransformQuantityMax Creates Transform Actions for resource quantities of 1 -> MAX 1
Search Strategy The SearchStrategy class to use HeuristicDepthFirstSearch
Search EnableReached Whether a search strategy will use a reached structure during search True
ScheduleEvaluation FailedImpact Penalty multiplied by schedule failure probability (C) -0.35
ScheduleEvaluation LengthImpact Exponentially decreases the expected utility of a schedule over time (gamma) 0.999
ScheduleEvaluation LogisticFunctionMidpoint Changes the likelihood a schedule will be successful, zero is neutral (x_0) -1
ScheduleEvaluation LogisticFunctionGrowth Changes how significantly a delta in discounted reward moves success probability (k) 1
ScheduleEvaluation ForceSelfAccept Force the agent country to always accept its own schedule False


Vanderbilt's CS-5260 - Artificial Intelligence







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