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A lib that make markdown to html with some extensions of showdown.js.


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Showdowns is a lib that make markdown to html with some extensions features(include more diagrams extensions) of showdown.js.

In browser environment, it is implemented to dynamically load js lib files related to more showdown diagrams extension for using showdowns >= 0.3.0 version.

If you think the showdowns library can help you or also hope to encourage the author, click on the top right corner to give me a Star⭐️.

Markdown To Html

Showdowns can converte markdown content to html that using the showdown.js.

Showdown is a Javascript Markdown to HTML converter, based on the original works by John Gruber. Showdown can be used client side (in the browser) or server side (with NodeJs). For more information, refer to the following document:

Live Demo Editor —— showdowns-editor

Check a live demo editor here

Table Extension

  • The following features are extended based on the showdown's table:

    • Cell spans over columns
    • Cell spans over rows (optional)
    • Omitted table header (optional)
  • Showdown's table

cell style syntax has "-{2,}",":-{2,}",":-{2,}:","-{2,}:", means default (align left), align left, align center, and align right style

| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC      |
| ----------- | :-----: | :----- | ---------: |
| OK          | int   | 1     | Succeeded |
| ERROR       | int   | 0     | Failed '\|'    |
Return Code Style Value DESC
OK int 1 Succeeded
ERROR int 0 Failed
  • Colspan table

"||" indicates cells being merged left.

| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC      |
| ====== | :-----: | ===== | ===== |
| **OK**          | int   | 1     | [Succeeded]( |
| ERROR       | int   | 0     ||
| ERROR       || 0     ||
Return Code Style Value DESC
OK int 1 Succeeded
ERROR int 0
  • Rowspan table (optional: tablesRowspan)

"^^" indicates cells being merged above.

| Return Code | Style | Value | DESC      |
| ====== | :-----: | ===== | ===== |
| ^^         || 1     | [Succeeded]( |
| ^^       || 0     ||
| ERROR       | int   | 0     ||
| ERROR       || 0     ||
| ^^       || 0     ||
Return Code Style Value DESC
^^ 1 Succeeded
ERROR int 0
  • Headerless table (optional: tablesHeaderless)

Table header can be eliminated.

|♜|  |♝|♛|♚|♝|♞|♜|
|  |♟|♟|♟|  |♟|♟|♟|
|♟|  |♞|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |♗|  |  |♟|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |♙|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |♘|  |  |
|♙|♙|♙|♙|  |♙|♙|♙|
|♖|♘|♗|♕|♔|  |  |♖|

Supporting some markdown extension features



Table of Contents

LaTeX math and AsciiMath




Network Sequence

Graphviz's dot

Railroad diagrams


Vega and Vega-Lite



See more information, refer to the following document:

Extensions Examples





  1. Using npm:

    npm install @jhuix/showdowns

    Note: add --save if you are using npm < 5.0.0

  2. In a browser:

    put the following line into your HTML page <header> or <body>:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="d/">
    <script src="d/"></script>
  3. In Node.js:

    For commonjs

    var showdowns = require('showdowns');


    import 'showdowns/dist/showdowns.core.min.css';
    import showdowns from 'showdowns';

    For umd

    var showdowns = require('showdowns/dist/showdowns.min.js');


    import 'showdowns/dist/showdowns.min.css';
    import showdowns from 'showdowns/dist/showdowns.min.js';
  4. Support compress markdown content with zip.

Quick Example


var showdowns = require('showdowns'),
var text = '# hello, markdown!',
showdowns.makeHtml(text).then(obj => {
  //Do something for 'obj.html' and 'obj.scripts'      


Put the following line into your HTML page <header> or <body>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/showdowns.min.css" />

<div id="main" class="workspace-container"></div>
<script src="../dist/showdowns.min.js"></script>
  (function(element) {
    let md = "";
      .then(function(response) {
        if (response.ok) {
          return response.text();
      .then(function(text) {
        md = text;
        return window.fetch(
      .then(function(response) {
        if (response.ok) {
          return response.text();
      .then(function(text) {
        md = md + `\n\n## Showdown's Markdown syntax\n\n` + text;
        showdowns.makeHtml(md).then(obj => {
          element.innerHTML = obj.html;
          showdowns.completedHtml(obj.scripts, '.showdowns');
        }).catch(err =>{
          element.innerHTML = '';
      .catch(function(error) {
        if (md) {
          showdowns.makeHtml(md).then(obj => {
            element.innerHTML = obj.html;
            showdowns.completedHtml(obj.scripts, '.showdowns');
          }).catch(err =>{
            element.innerHTML = '';



Type: {showdown: object, plantuml: object, mermaid: object, vega: object }

Default options is described below:

defaultOptions = {
  showdown: {
    flavor: 'github',
  plantuml: { imageFormat: 'svg' },
  mermaid: { theme: 'default' },
  katex: { mathDelimiters: [
    { left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true },
    { left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true },
    { left: "\\begin{equation}", right: "\\end{equation}", display: true },
    { left: "\\begin{align}", right: "\\end{align}", display: true },
    { left: "\\begin{alignat}", right: "\\end{alignat}", display: true },
    { left: "\\begin{gather}", right: "\\end{gather}", display: true },
    { left: "\\begin{CD}", right: "\\end{CD}", display: true },      
    { left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false },
    { left: '@@', right: '@@', display: true, asciimath: true },
    { left: "\\$", right: "\\$", display: false, asciimath: true }
  vega: { theme: 'vox' }
  • showdown: showdown options object

    For more showdown options, refer to the following document:

    Showdown Options

  • plantuml: plantuml options object

    For more plantuml options:

      umlWebSite: "",
      imageFormat: "svg" | "png" | "jpg"
  • mermaid: mermaid options object

    For more mermaid options, refer to the following document:

    Mermaid Options

  • katex: katex options object

    For more katex options, refer to the following document:

    Katex AutoRender Options Katex Render Options

    In addition, mathDelimiters is another format::

      mathDelimiters: {
        texmath: {
          display: [
             {left: "$$", right: "$$"},
             {left: '\\[', right: '\\]'}
          inline:  [
            {left: '\\(', right: '\\)'}
        asciimath: {
          display: [ {left: "@@", right: "@@"}],
          inline:  [ {left: "\\$ ", right: "\\$"}]
  • vega: vega-embed options object

    For more vega-embed options, refer to the following document:

    Vega-embed Options


Type: Array of showdown extensions

Default extensions is described below:

defaultExtensions = {
  'showdown-toc': showdownToc,
  'showdown-align': showdownAlign,
  'showdown-footnotes': showdownFootnotes,
  'showdown-container': showdownContainer,
  'showdown-sequence': showdownSequence

For more showdown extensions, refer to the following document:

Showdown Extensions


Type: Array of showdown async extensions

Default async extensions is described below:

defaultAsyncExtensions = {
  'showdown-plantuml': showdownPlantuml(plantumlOptions),
  'showdown-mermaid': showdownMermaid(mermaidOptions),
  'showdown-katex': showdownKatex(katexOptions),
  'showdown-flowchart': showdownFlowchart,
  'showdown-viz': showdownViz,
  'showdown-vega': showdownVega(vegaOptions),
  'showdown-wavedrom': showdownWavedrom,
  'showdown-railroad': showdownRailroad,
  'showdown-abc': showdownAbc,
  'showdown-echarts': showdownEcharts,



Type: showdown

Default: showdown

Output showdown.js native object for global.


Type: showdown.convertor | null

Default: null

Output showdown.convertor native object in current showdowns Instance.



Type: {name: string} => void

A function to add or update flavor of showdown and showdown.convertor.


Type: {options: object} => void

A function to add or update options of showdown and showdown.convertor.


Type: [name, extension] => void

A function to add or update extension of showdown and showdown.convertor.


Type: [name] => void

A function to remove extension of showdown and showdown.convertor.


Type: [name, extension] => void

A function to add or update aync extension of showdowns.


Type: [name] => void

A function to remove aync extension of showdowns.


Type: (cdnname: string, defSheme: string, distScheme: string) => void

A function to set cdn source when dynamically load js lib files related to more showdown diagrams extension.

  • Parameter cdnname can be selected 'local' or 'cdnjs' or 'jsdelivr' source.
  • Parameter defSheme is default prefix scheme string of source url.
  • Parameter distScheme is dist prefix scheme string of source url that has prefix string is '../dist/'.


Type: (name: string) => void

A function to set default flavor of showdown. When showdown.convertor instance be created, it can update flavor of the showdown and convertor.convertor.

See showdown options of defaultOptions.

  • flavor field value: ['github', 'ghost', 'vanilla', 'original', 'allon'], default set to 'github' flavor.


Type: (options: object) => object

A function to set default options of showdown. When showdown.convertor instance be created, it can update options of the showdown and convertor.convertor.

See showdown options of defaultOptions.


Type: (options: object) => object

A function to set default options of plantuml extension. When showdown.convertor instance be created, it can reset plantuml extension using the new default options.

See plantuml options of defaultOptions.

  • imageFormat field value: "svg" | "png" | "jpg", default 'png'.


Type: (options: object) => object

A function to set default options of mermaid extension. When showdown.convertor instance be created, it can reset mermaid extension using the new default options.

See mermaid options of defaultOptions.

  • mermaid theme field value be selected in ['default', 'forest', 'dark', 'neutral']; When it be set empty, default set to 'default' theme.


Type: (options: object) => object

A function to set default options of katex extension. When showdown.convertor instance be created, it can reset katex extension using the new default options.

See katex options of defaultOptions.


Type: (options: object) => object

A function to set default options of vega extension. When showdown.convertor instance be created, it can reset vega extension using the new default options.

See vega-embed options of defaultOptions.

  • vega theme field value be selected in ['excel', 'ggplot2', 'quartz', 'vox', 'dark']; When it be set empty, default set to 'vox' theme.


Type: (reset?: boolean | {option: boolean, extension: boolean}) => showdonws

A function to init that be created showdown.convertor instance or update default showdown options of the showdown.convertor and reset the extensions using default extension options(as mermaid options, vega options, plantul options) for showdowns.

  • Parameter reset: After showdown.convertor instance be created; If option of reset object is ture, you update default showdown options; If extension of reset object is ture, reset the extensions using default extension options(as mermaid options, vega options, plantul options); If reset is true, same as value is {option: true, extension: true}.


Type: interface script { outer?:[ {name:string, src:string} ], id?:string, code?:string, inner?:[ {id:string, code:string} ] }

Type: ({type:'zip', content: string} | string, (csstypes?: { hasKatex: boolean; hasRailroad: boolean; hasSequence: boolean }) => void) => Promise<{html: string, scripts: [script]}>

A async function to make markdown to html that showdown.convertor converte it in current showdowns instance.


Type: ( scripts?: [script] | string, scriptContainer?: HTMLElement | string) => Promise<boolean>

A async function to completed markdown to html that append scripts to dom.


Type: (data: string) => string

A function to decode data that be encoded using zEncode.


Type: (content: string) => string

A function to encode content with zlib.



Copyright (c) 2019-present, Jhuix (Hui Jin)