This repository will hold mockups and design discussions for future versions of the Glimpse Image Editor. If you would like to contribute, you must first read our Code of Conduct.
Designs targeting the future versions of Glimpse - Glimpse NX - should use the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines as a base. These are not strict rules, but rather a baseline to help provide a consistent, usable experience. For current versions of Glimpse based on the GNU Image Manipulation Program, designs should keep consistency with the existing UI in mind.
The "Issues" tab of this repository is meant to hold discussions on designs for the Glimpse Image Editor and Glimpse NX. To start a discussion, use one of the issue templates as a framework. A design proposal should include some of the following:
- Reasoning for proposal - what will users gain from this change?
- Issues with currently implemented designs
- Desired behavior after changes
- Prior art (e.g. how apps like Photoshop or GNU I.M.P handle this problem or task)
As part of design discussion we want to encourage posting mockups on issues. Once a design is posted and discussed, you may be asked to submit a pull request with your art. These should be organized like the following:
- component-name-author.png
- src/
- component-name-author.svg
Designs submitted here will be licensed under the CC-BY-SA creative commons license.
If you'd like to chat regarding design, the design team is active on our Discord server. The channel to join is #ui-design.