- Cambridgeshire, UK
(UTC) - https://www.jonmarsh.dev
grid Public
🎨🖌🖼 An infinite grid-based canvas with multiple brush shapes and grid patterns. Custom grids and styling to come
word-guess Public
🔤🕹Hangman without the hanging man
slashconfig Public template
Template repository for that puts config files, that you would normally find in root, in a config folder. This stack is: node, typescript, eslint, prettier, and jest
TypeScript UpdatedJul 19, 2023 -
browsability Public
🌐✔❌Browser compatibility analyser
cmake-find-sdl2 Public
CMake find modules to locate SDL2 redistributables on Windows and Mac
CMake UpdatedMar 7, 2022 -
react-json-view Public
Forked from mac-s-g/react-json-viewJSON viewer for react
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2021 -
ride-through-portal Public
A SpigotMC plugin that allows entities riding minecarts to travel through portals.
Java UpdatedJun 4, 2020 -
tagable Public
An npm module that allows you to assosicate tags with resources and other tags
faktnews Public
Independent continuation of a project from AstonHack 2017
face-swap Public
Independent continuation of a project from BrumHack 2017
pulfrich-bird Public
🐤👓🐤3D Flappy Bird using the pulfrich effect. Get a pair of dark tinted sunglasses and pop out the left lens (keep both eyes open), and play away! Best in a bright room and far (>70cm) from a monito…
dependency-license-explorer Public
⚖📜🔍Visualises the licenses of all dependencies and displays any potential problems
totally-not-agar.io Public
Independent continuation of a project from HackNotts 2017