micro-frontend-react Public
Sample Micro-frontend applications, based on a simplified micro-frontend architecture and Module Federation.
A codebase for MERN Stack using ...
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2022 -
nest-next-azure-dapr-docker Public
NestJS Microservices and Next.js Client Apps with Dapr Sidecars and Dapr Building Blocks are deployed into Azure Container Apps with Docker Containers
Playful and Colorful One-Page portfolio featuring Parallax effects and animations. Especially designers and/or photographers will love this theme! Built with MDX and Theme UI.
JavaScript BSD Zero Clause License UpdatedJul 12, 2022 -
nestjs-microservices Public
Sample Nestjs Microservices application, based on a simplified Vertical Slice Architecture and best practices using Nestjs and Nodejs.
Concerns of REST API Architecture Design
6 UpdatedFeb 22, 2022 -
micro-frontend-angular Public
Micro-frontend applications using Angular
simple-caching-service Public
A Simple Caching API using Azure Redis Cache and .Net Core Web API
angular-azure-web-app Public
Sample Angular webapp in Azure