This package implements a discrete-time PID controller as an approximation of the continuous-time PID controller given by
$U(s)$ is the Laplace transform of the control variable (also called manipulated variable)$u(t)$ , -
$Y(s)$ is the Laplace transform of the measured output variable (also called process variable)$y(t)$ , -
$R(s)$ is the Laplace transform of the reference variable (also called set point)$r(t)$ , -
$U_\textrm{ff}(s)$ is the Laplace transform of the feedforward contribution to the control variable$u_\textrm{ff}(t)$ , -
$K$ is the proportional gain, -
$T_\mathrm{i}$ is the integral time, -
$T_\mathrm{d}$ is the derivative time, -
$N$ is a parameter that limits the gain of the derivative term at high frequencies, typically ranges from 2 to 20, -
$b \in [0, 1]$ is a parameter that gives the proportion of the reference signal that appears in the proportional term.
Saturation of the controller output is parameterized by
Construct a controller by
pid = DiscretePID(; K = 1, Ti = false, Td = false, Tt = √(Ti*Td), N = 10, b = 1, umin = -Inf, umax = Inf, Ts, I = 0, D = 0, yold = 0)
and compute the control (the controller output) at a given time using
u = pid(r, y, uff)
u = calculate_control!(pid, r, y, uff)
The parameters set_K!
, set_Ti!
, and set_Td!
, respectively.
The numeric type used by the controller (the T
in DiscretePID{T}
) is determined by the types of the parameters. To use a custom number type, e.g., a fixed-point number type, simply pass the parameters as that type, see example below. The controller will automatically convert measurements and references to this type before performing the control calculations.
The internal state of the controller can be reset to zero using the function reset_state!(pid)
. If repeated simulations using the same controller object are performed, the state should be reset between simulations.
The following example simulates a feedback control system containing a PID controller using ControlSystems.jl package. We simulate a response of the closed-loop system to the step disturbance
using DiscretePIDs, ControlSystemsBase, Plots
Tf = 15 # Simulation time
K = 1 # Proportional gain
Ti = 1 # Integral time
Td = 1 # Derivative time
Ts = 0.01 # Sample time
P = c2d(ss(tf(1, [1, 1])), Ts) # Plant to be controlled, discretized using zero-order hold
pid = DiscretePID(; K, Ts, Ti, Td)
ctrl = function(x,t)
y = (P.C*x)[] # Measured output
d = 1 # Disturbance
r = 0 # Reference
u = pid(r, y) # Control
u + d # Plant input is control + disturbance
res = lsim(P, ctrl, Tf) # Simulate the closed-loop system
plot(res, plotu=true); ylabel!("u + d", sp=2)
Here we simulated a linear plant, in which case we were able to call ControlSystems.lsim
specialized for linear systems. Below, we show two methods for simulation that works with a nonlinear plant, but we still use a linear system to make the comparison easier.
This example is identical to the one above except for using DifferentialEquations.jl for the simulation, which makes it possible to consider more complex plants, in particular nonlinear ones.
There are several different ways one could go about including a discrete-time controller in a continuous-time simulation, in particular, we must choose a way to store the computed control variable. Two common approaches are
- We use a global variable into which we write the control variable at each discrete time step.
- We add an extra state variable to the system, and use it to store the control variable.
In this example we choose the latter approach, since it has the added benefit of adding the computed control variable to the solution object.
We use DiffEqCallbacks.PeriodicCallback
, with which we perform the PID-controller update, and store the computed control variable in the extra state variable.
using DiscretePIDs, ControlSystemsBase, OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqCallbacks, Plots
Tf = 15 # Simulation time
K = 1 # Proportional gain
Ti = 1 # Integral time
Td = 1 # Derivative time
Ts = 0.01 # Sample time
P = ss(tf(1, [1, 1])) # Plant to be controlled in continuous time
A, B, C, D = ssdata(P) # Extract the system matrices
pid = DiscretePID(; K, Ts, Ti, Td)
function dynamics!(dxu, xu, p, t)
A, B, C, r, d = p # Store the reference and disturbance in the parameter object
x = xu[1:P.nx] # Extract the state
u = xu[P.nx+1:end] # Extract the control variable
dxu[1:P.nx] .= A*x .+ B*(u .+ d)# Plant input is control variable + disturbance
dxu[P.nx+1:end] .= 0 # Control variable has no dynamics, it's updated by the callback
cb = PeriodicCallback(Ts) do integrator
p = integrator.p # Extract the parameter object from the integrator
(; C, r, d) = p # Extract the reference and disturbance from the parameter object
x = integrator.u[1:P.nx] # Extract the state (the integrator uses `u` to refer to the state, in control theory we typically name it `x`)
y = (C*x)[] # Simulated measurement
u = pid(r, y) # Compute the control variable
integrator.u[P.nx+1:end] .= u # Update the control-signal state variable
parameters = (; A, B, C, r=0, d=1) # Reference = 0, disturbance = 1
xu0 = zeros(P.nx + # Initial state of the system + control variables
prob = ODEProblem(dynamics!, xu0, (0, Tf), parameters, callback=cb) # Reference = 0, disturbance = 1
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=Ts)
plot(sol, layout=(2, 1), ylabel=["x" "u"], lab="")
The figure should look more or less identical to the previous one, except that we plot the control variable
SeeToDee.jl is a library of fixed-time-step integrators useful for "manual" (=one integration step at a time) simulation of control systems. The same example as above is simulated using SeeToDee.Rk4
here. The call to
discrete_dynamics = SeeToDee.Rk4(dynamics, Ts)
considers the continuous-time dynamical system modelled by
and at a given state
using DiscretePIDs, ControlSystemsBase, SeeToDee, Plots
Tf = 15 # Simulation time
K = 1 # Proportional gain
Ti = 1 # Integral time
Td = 1 # Derivative time
Ts = 0.01 # Sample time
P = ss(tf(1, [1, 1])) # Plant to be controlled in continuous time
A,B,C = ssdata(P) # Extract the system matrices
p = (; A, B, C, r=0, d=1) # Reference = 0, disturbance = 1
pid = DiscretePID(; K, Ts, Ti, Td)
ctrl = function(x,p,t)
y = (p.C*x)[] # Measurement output of the plant
pid(r, y)
function dynamics(x, u, p, t) # This time we define the dynamics as a function of the state and the control
A, B, C, r, d = p # Store the reference and disturbance in the parameter object
A*x .+ B*(u .+ d) # Plant input is control variable + disturbance
discrete_dynamics = SeeToDee.Rk4(dynamics, Ts) # Create a discrete-time dynamics function
x = zeros(P.nx) # Initial condition
X, U = [], [] # To store the solution
t = range(0, step=Ts, stop=Tf) # Time vector
for t = t
u = ctrl(x, p, t)
push!(U, u) # Save solution for plotting
push!(X, x)
x = discrete_dynamics(x, u, p, t) # Advance the state one step
Xm = reduce(hcat, X)' # Reduce to from vector of vectors to matrix
Ym = Xm*P.C' # Compute the output (same as state in this simple case)
Um = reduce(hcat, U)'
plot(t, [Ym Um], layout=(2,1), ylabel = ["y" "u"], legend=false)
Once again, the output looks identical and is therefore omitted here.
- The derivative term only acts on the (filtered) measurement and not the command signal. It is thus safe to pass step changes in the reference to the controller. The parameter
$b$ can further be set to zero to avoid step changes in the control variable in response to step changes in the reference. - Bumpless transfer when updating
is realized by updating the stateI
. See the docs forset_K!
for more details. - The total control variable
$u(t)$ (PID + feedforward) is limited by the integral anti-windup. - The integrator is discretized using a forward difference (no direct term between the input and output through the integral state) while the derivative is discretized using a backward difference.
- This particular implementation of a discrete-time PID controller is detailed in Chapter 8 of Wittenmark, Björn, Karl-Erik Årzén, and Karl Johan Åström. ‘Computer Control: An Overview’. IFAC Professional Brief. International Federation of Automatic Control, 2002.
- When used with input arguments of standard types, such as
, the controller is guaranteed not to allocate any memory or contain any dynamic dispatches. This analysis is carried out in the tests, and is performed using AllocCheck.jl.
If the controller is ultimately to be implemented on a platform without floating-point hardware, we can simulate how it will behave with fixed-point arithmetics using the FixedPointNumbers.jl package. The following example modifies the first example above and shows how to simulate the controller using 16-bit fixed-point arithmetics with 10 bits for the fractional part:
using FixedPointNumbers
T = Fixed{Int16, 10} # 16-bit fixed-point with 10 bits for the fractional part
pid = DiscretePID(; K = T(K), Ts = T(Ts), Ti = T(Ti), Td = T(Td))
res_fp = lsim(P, ctrl, Tf)
plot([res, res_fp], plotu=true, lab=["Float64" "" string(T) ""]); ylabel!("u + d", sp=2)
The fixed-point controller behaves roughly the same in this case, but artifacts are clearly visible. If the number of bits used for the fractional part is decreased, the controller will start to misbehave.
At the time of writing, this requires a nightly version of julia
The file examples/juliac/juliac_pid.jl
contains a JuliaC-compatible interface that can be compiled into a C-callable shared library using JuliaC. To compile the file, run the following from the examples/juliac
julia +nightly --project <PATH_TO_JULIA_REPO>/julia/contrib/juliac.jl --output-lib juliac_pid --experimental --trim=unsafe-warn --compile-ccallable juliac_pid.jl
should be replaced with the path to the Julia repository on your system. The command will generate a shared library juliac_pid
that can be called from C. The file examples/juliac/juliac_pid.h
contains the C-compatible interface to the shared library. The C program may be compiled with a command like
gcc -o pid_program test_juliac_pid.c -I <PATH_TO_JULIA_REPO>/julia/usr/include/julia -L<PATH_TO_JULIA_REPO>/julia/usr/lib -ljulia -ldl
and then run by
which should produce the output
DiscretePIDs/examples/juliac> ./pid_program
Finding symbols
Found all symbols!
calculate_control! returned: 1.000000
calculate_control! returned: 2.000000
calculate_control! returned: 3.000000
calculate_control! returned: 3.000000
calculate_control! returned: 3.000000
TrajectoryLimiters.jl To generate dynamically feasible reference trajectories with bounded velocity and acceleration given an instantaneous reference
$r(t)$ which may change abruptly. - SymbolicControlSystems.jl For C-code generation of LTI systems.