PyText is a simple and a free TXT editor and Notepad replacement that supports natural languages. PyText allows you to quickly and easily write information without any problems. Running in the MS Windows and Linux environment, its use is governed by GPL License.
See the PyText official presentation (Russian) for more information.
PyText depends by
- Python 3.4 and above;
- /tkinter – graphical user interface (GUI);
- /Pil works with images;
- /os manage files.
- /re builds pattern for line args
- /optparse parses line arguments
To install the necessary libraries:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install Pillow
Download the latest version of the Python there.
The latest Windows and Linux systems support PyText.
For end users, the latest Windows and Linux version of PyText is available from this repository. More information for interested users is available from the PyText official presentation (Russian).
PyText supports (Unix and Linux) command line arguments with several options:
Usage: 1) options args 2) arg1(-f) arg2(-o)
-h, --help to — to get help message
-f, -F, --file_in — opens file.txt(if using only -f opt) or (with -o) opens file.txt, copies all and puts to the new file
-o, -O, --file_out — opens new/existed file(rewrites all)