.NET 7.0, Blazor WebAssembly, Blazor Server, ASP.NET Core Web API, Auth0, IdentityServer4, OAuth 2.0, MudBlazor, Entity Framework Core, MS SQL Server, SQLite
Headway is a framework for building configurable Blazor applications fast. It is based on the blazor-solution-setup project, providing a solution for a Blazor app supporting both hosting models, Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server, a WebApi for accessing data and an Identity Provider for authentication.
- The Framework
- Getting Started
- Building an Example Headway Application
- Authentication
- Tracking Changes
- Logging
- Authorization
- Navigation Menu
- Page Layout
- Documents
- Components
- Configuration
- Administration
- Database
- UML Diagrams
- Notes
- Acknowledgements
- Headway.BlazorWebassemblyApp - Blazor WASM running client-side on the browser.
- Headway.BlazorServerApp - Blazor Server running updates and event handling on the server over a SignalR connection.
- Headway.Razor.Shared - A Razor Class Library with shared components and functionality serving both Blazor hosting models.
- Headway.Razor.Controls - A Razor Class Library containing common Razor components.
- Headway.Core - A Class Library for shared classes and interfaces.
- Headway.RequestApi - a Class Library for handling requests to the WebApi.
- Headway.WebApi - An ASP.NET Core Web API for authenticated users to access data persisted in the data store.
- Headway.Repository - a Class Library for accessing the data store behind the WebApi.
- Identity Provider - An IdentityServer4 ASP.NET Core Web API, providing an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework, for authentication.
To help get you started the Headway framework comes with seed data that provides basic configuration for a default navigation menu, roles, permissions and a couple of users.
The default seed data comes with two user accounts which will need to be registered with an identity provider that will issue a token to the user containing a RoleClaim called
. The two default users are:
User Headway Role Indentity Provider RoleClaim alice@email.com Admin headwayuser grant@email.com Developer headwayuser
The database and schema can be created using EntityFramework Migrations.
An example application will be created using Headway to demonstrate features available the Headway framework including, configuring dynamically rendered page layout, creating a navigation menu, configuring a workflow, binding page layout to the workflow, securing the application using OAuth 2.0 authentication and restricting users access and functionality with by assigning roles and permissions.
The example application is called RemediatR. RemediatR will provide a platform to refund (remediate or redress) customers that have been wronged in some way e.g. a customer who bought a product that does not live up to it's commitments. The remediation flow will start with creating the redress case with the relevant data including customer, redress program and product data. The case progresses to refund calculation and verification, followed by sending a communication to the customer and finally end with a payment to the customer of the refunded amount.
Different users will be responsible for different stages in the flow. They will be assigned a role to reflect their responsibility. The roles will be as follows:
- Redress Case Owner – creates, monitors and progresses the redress case from start through to completion
- Redress Reviewer – reviews the redress case at critical points e.g. prior to customer communication or redress completion
- Refund Assessor – calculates the refund amount, including any compensatory interest due
- Refund Reviewer – reviews the refund calculated as part of a four-eyes check to ensure the refunded amount is accurate
The RemediatR Flow is as follows:
RemediatR can be built using the Headway platform in several easy steps involving creating a few models and repository layer, and configuring the rest.
- In Headway.RemediatR.Core
- Add a reference to project Headway.Core
- Create the model classes.
- Create the IRemediatRRepository interface.
This example uses EntityFramework Code First.
- In Headway.RemediatR.Repository
- Add a reference to project Headway.Repository
- Add a reference to project Headway.RemediatR.Core
- Create RemediatRRepository class.
- In Headway.Repository
- Add a reference to project Headway.RemediatR.Core
- Update ApplicationDbContext with the models
- Create the schema and update the database
- In Visual Studio Developer PowerShell
> cd Headway.WebApi
> dotnet ef migrations add RemediatR --project ..\Utilities\Headway.MigrationsSqlServer
> dotnet ef database update --project ..\Utilities\Headway.MigrationsSqlServer
- In Headway.RemediatR.Core
- Create the RemediatRRoles constants.
- In Headway.WebApi
- Create the RemediatR controller classes.
- In Headway.WebApi
- Add a reference to project Headway.RemediatR.Core
- Add a reference to project Headway.RemediatR.Repository
- Create the RemediatRCustomerController controller.
- Create the RemediatRProgramController controller.
- Create the RemediatRRedressController controller.
- Add a scoped service for IRemediatRRepository to Program.cs
builder.Services.AddScoped<IRemediatRRepository, RemediatRRepository>();
- In Headway.Repository
- Add
method to OptionsRepository
- Add
- In Headway.WebApi
- add package
<PackageReference Include="FluentValidation.AspNetCore" Version="11.1.2" />
- add to Program.cs
builder.Services.AddControllers() .AddFluentValidation( fv => fv.RegisterValidatorsFromAssembly(Assembly.Load("Headway.RemediatR.Core")))
- add package
- In Headway.RemediatR.Core
- add package
<PackageReference Include="FluentValidation" Version="11.1.0" />
- add validators:
- add package
- Add a project reference to Headway.RemediatR.Core
- add to Program.cs to ensure the RemediatR.Core assembly is eager loaded and it's classes available to be scanned for Headway attributes.
app.UseAdditionalAssemblies(new[] { typeof(Redress).Assembly });
In Headway.BlazorWebassemblyApp
- Add a project reference to Headway.RemediatR.Core
- add to Program.cs to ensure the RemediatR.Core assembly is eager loaded and it's classes available to be scanned for Headway attributes.
builder.Services.UseAdditionalAssemblies(new[] { typeof(Redress).Assembly });
Seed data for RemediatR permissions, roles and users can be found in RemediatRData.cs.
Alternatively, permissions, roles and users can be configured under the Authorisation category in the Administration module.
Seed data for RemediatR navigation can be found in RemediatRData.cs
Alternatively, modules, categories and menu items can be configured under the Navigation category in the Administration module.
- Configure Programs search list
- Configure Program model
- Configure Customers search list
- Configure Customer model
- Configure Redress Cases search list
- Configure New Redress Cases search list
Blazor applications use token-based authentication based on digitally signed JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which is a safe means of representing claims that can be transferred between parties.
Token-based authentication involves an authentication server issuing an athenticated user with a token containing claims, which can be sent to a resource such as a WebApi, with an extra authorization
header in the form of a Bearer
token. This allows the WebApi to validate the claim and provide the user access to the resource.
Headway.WebApi authentication is configured for the Bearer
Authenticate and Challenge scheme. JwtBearer middleware is added to validate the token based on the values of the TokenValidationParameters
, ValidIssuer and ValidAudience.
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddJwtBearer(options =>
var identityProvider = builder.Configuration["IdentityProvider:DefaultProvider"];
options.Authority = $"https://{builder.Configuration[$"{identityProvider}:Domain"]}";
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidIssuer = builder.Configuration[$"{identityProvider}:Domain"],
ValidAudience = builder.Configuration[$"{identityProvider}:Audience"]
Blazor applications obtain a token from an Identity Provider using an authorization flow. The type of flow used depends on the Blazor hosting model.
ASP.NET Core Blazor authentication and authorization.
"Security scenarios differ between Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly apps. Because Blazor Server apps run on the server, authorization checks are able to determine:
- The UI options presented to a user (for example, which menu entries are available to a user).
- Access rules for areas of the app and components.
Blazor WebAssembly apps run on the client. Authorization is only used to determine which UI options to show. Since client-side checks can be modified or bypassed by a user, a Blazor WebAssembly app can't enforce authorization access rules. "
Blazor Server uses Authorization Code Flow in which a Client Secret
is passed in the exchange. It can do this because it is a 'regular web application' where the source code and Client Secret
is securely stored server-side and not publicly exposed.
Blazor WebAssembly uses Authorization Clode Flow with Proof of Key for Code Exchange (PKCE), which introduces a secret created by the calling application that can be verified by the authorization server. The secret is called the Code Verifier
. It must do this because the entire source is stored in the browser so it cannot use a Client Secret
because it is not secure.
The key difference between Blazor Server using the Authorization Code Flow and Blazor WebAssembly using the Authorization Clode Flow with Proof of Key for Code Exchange (PKCE), is Blazor Server can use a
Client Secret
in the exchange because it can be securely stored on the server. Blazor WebAssembly on the other hand cannot securely store aClient Secret
so it has to create acode_verifier
and then generate acode_challenge
from it, which can be used in the exchange instead.
Authorization Code Flow steps:
- User clicks login in the application.
- The user is redirected to the authorization server (
endpoint). - The authorization server redirects the user to a login prompt.
- The user authenticates.
- the authorization server redirects the user back to the application with an
authorization code
, which can only be used once. - The application sends the
authorization code
along with the applicationsClient ID
andClient Secret
to the authorization server (/oauth/token
endpoint). - The authorization server verifies the
authorization code
,Client ID
andClient Secret
. - The authorization server sends to the application an
ID Token
andAccess Token
(and optionally, aRefresh Token
) . - The
Access Token
contains user claims. - When the application wants to access a resource such as a WebApi it adds the
Access Token
containing user claims to the authorization header of aHttpClient
request in the form of aBearer
Authorization Clode Flow with Proof of Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) steps:
The PKCE Authorization Code Flow builds on the standard Authentication Code Flow so it has very similar steps.
- User clicks login in the application.
- The application creates a
and then generates acode_challenge
from it. - The user is redirected to the authorization server (
endpoint) along with thecode_challenge
. - The authorization server redirects the user to a login prompt.
- The user authenticates.
- the authorization server stores the
and then redirects the user back to the application with anauthorization code
, which can only be used once. - The application sends the
authorization code
along with thecode_verifier
(created in step 2.) to the authorization server (/oauth/token
endpoint). - The authorization server verifies the
. - The authorization server sends to the application an
ID Token
andAccess Token
(and optionally, aRefresh Token
). TheAccess Token
contains user claims. - When the application wants to access a resource such as a WebApi it adds the
Access Token
containing user claims to the authorization header of aHttpClient
request in the form of aBearer
To access resources via the Headway.WebApi the authentication server must issue a token to the user containing a RoleClaim called headwayuser
and the users email
. The application can then access further information about the user from the Headway.WebApi to determine what the user is authorised to do e.g. Headway.WebApi will return the menu items to build up the navigation panel. If a user does not have permission to access a menu item then Headway.WebApi simply wont return it.
Headway currently supports authentication from two identity providers IdentityServer4 and Auth0. During development you can toggle between them by setting IdentityProvider:DefaultProvider
in the appsettings.json files for Headway.BlazorServerApp, Headway.BlazorWebassemblyApp and Headway.WebApi e.g.
"IdentityProvider": {
"DefaultProvider": "Auth0"
NOTE: if implementing
you will need to create aAuth Pipeline Rule
to return the email and role as a claim.
function (user, context, callback) {
const accessTokenClaims = context.accessToken || {};
const idTokenClaims = context.idToken || {};
const assignedRoles = (context.authorization || {}).roles;
accessTokenClaims['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress'] = user.email;
accessTokenClaims['http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role'] = assignedRoles;
idTokenClaims['http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role'] = assignedRoles;
return callback(null, user, context);
- UserAccountFactory converts the RemoteUserAccount into a ClaimPrincipal for the application
- AuthorizationMessageHandler attaches token to outgoing HttpClient requests
- InitialApplicationState gets the access_token, refresh_token and id_token from the HttpContext after authentication and stores them in a scoped TokenProvider
- The scoped TokenProvider is manually injected into each request class and the bearer token is added to the Authorization header of outgoing HttpClient requests
- Accessible only to authenticated users carrying the
role claim and controllers are embelished with the[Authorize(Roles="headwayuser")]
attribute. - A further check is made on every request using the
claim to confirm the user has the relevant Headway role or permission required to access to resource being requested.
- For IdentityServer4 see blazor-solution-setup.
- For Auth0 see blazor-auth0.
When using Entity Framework Core, models inheriting from ModelBase will automatically get properties for tracking instance creation and modification. Furthermore, an audit of changes will be logged to the Audits
public abstract class ModelBase
public DateTime? CreatedDate { get; set; }
public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
public DateTime? ModifiedDate { get; set; }
public string ModifiedBy { get; set; }
To log changes ApplicationDbContext overrides DbContext.SaveChanges
and gets the changes from DbContext.ChangeTracker
Capturing the user
is done by calling ApplicationDbContext.SetUser(user)
. This is currently set in RepositoryBase where it is called from ApiControllerBase which gets the user claim from to authorizing the user.
Headway.WebApi uses Serilog for logging and is configured to write logs to the Log
table in the database using Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer.
The client can send a log entry request to the Headway.WebApi e.g.:
var x = 1 / zero;
catch (Exception ex)
var log = new Log { Level = Core.Enums.LogLevel.Error, Message = ex.Message };
await Mediator.Send(new LogRequest(log))
Logging is also available to api request classes inheriting LogApiRequest and can be called as follows:
var log = new Log { Level = Core.Enums.LogLevel.Information, Message = "Log this entry..." };
await LogAsync(log).ConfigureAwait(false);
In the Serilog config specify a custom column to be added to the Log
table to capture the user with each entry. To automatically log EF Core SQL queries to the logs, add the override "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command": "Information"
"Serilog": {
"Using": [ "Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer" ],
"MinimumLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Override": {
"Microsoft": "Error",
"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command": "Information"
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "MSSqlServer",
"Args": {
"connectionString": "Data Source=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=Headway;Integrated Security=true",
"tableName": "Logs",
"autoCreateSqlTable": true,
"columnOptionsSection": {
"customColumns": [
"ColumnName": "User",
"DataType": "nvarchar",
"DataLength": 100
More details on enriching Serilog log entries with custom properties can be found here. For Serilog enrichment to work loggerConfiguration.Enrich.FromLogContext()
is called when configuring logging in Program.cs.
builder.WebHost.UseSerilog((hostingContext, loggerConfiguration) =>
Middleware is also added in Program.cs to get the user from the httpContext and push it onto the logging context for each request. The middleware must be added AFTER app.UseAuthentication();
so the user claims is available in the httpContext.
app.Use(async (httpContext, next) =>
var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)httpContext.User.Identity;
var claim = identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Email);
var user = claim.Value;
LogContext.PushProperty("User", user);
await next.Invoke();
The following UML diagram shows the ClaimModules API obtaining an authenticated users permissions which restrict the modules, categories and menu items available to the user in the Navigation Menu
Headway documents use Blazored.FluentValidation where the <FluentValidationValidator />
is placed inside the <EditForm>
<EditForm EditContext="CurrentEditContext">
<FluentValidationValidator />
NOTE: Blazored.FluentValidation is used for client side validation only while DataAnnotation and Fluent API is used for server side validation with Entity Framework.
For additional reading see Data Annotations Attributes and Fluent API Configurations in EF 6 and and EF Core.
The source for a standard dropdown is IEnumerable<OptionItem>
and the selected item is bound to @bind-Value="SelectedItem"
Fields can be linked to each other so at runtime the value of one can be dependent on the value of another. For example, in a scenario where one field is Country and the other is City, and both are rendered as dropdown lists. The dropdown list for Country is initially populated while the dropdown list for "City" remains empty. Only once a country has been selected will the dropdown list for City be populated, with a list of cities belonging to the selected country.
- A link enabled component, such as Dropdown.razor, must inherit from DynamicComponentBase.
- The component must inherit IStateNotification.
- It must also call DynamicComponentBase.LinkFieldCheck() to obtain the value of the LinkedSource field.
- Finally, if the backing field has any LinkedDependents the component must notify state has changed when its value changes.
- In the target field's ConfigItem.ComponentArgs property add a
key/value pair:
e.g.Name=LinkedSource;VALUE=[LINKED FIELD NAME]
- At runtime, when the DynamicModel is created, linked fields will be mapped together in ComponentArgHelper.AddDynamicArgs(), so the target references the source field via it's
It is possible to link two DynamicFields in different DynamicModels. This is done using PropagateFields
key/value pair:
Consider the example we have Config.cs and ConfigItem.cs where ConfigItem.PropertyName
is dependent on the value of Config.Model
is rendered as a dropdown containing a list of classes with the [DynamicModel]
attribute. ConfigItem.PropertyName
is rendered as a dropdown containing a list of properties belonging to the class selected in Config.Model
public class DemoModel
// code omitted for brevity
public string Model { get; set; }
public List<DemoModelItem> DemoModelItems { get; set; }
// code omitted for brevity
public class DemoModelItem
// code omitted for brevity
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
// code omitted for brevity
To map the linked source DemoModel.Model
to target DemoModelItem.PropertyName
- In the
, it's ConfigItem.ComponentArgs property will contain aPropagateFields
key/value pair:
- In the
, it's ConfigItem.ComponentArgs property will contain aLinkedSource
key/value pair:
- At runtime, when the DynamicModel is created, the linked source
will be propagated in ComponentArgHelper.AddDynamicArgs(), where the propagated args will be passed into theDemoModel.DemoModelItems
's component as a DynamicArg whose value is the source fieldDemoModel.Model
. The component forDemoModel.DemoModelItems
inherit from DynamicComponentBase, which will map the linked fields together so the target references the source field via it'sLinkedSource
Data access is abstracted behind interfaces. Headway.Repository provides concrete implementation for the data access layer interfaces. it currently supports MS SQL Server and SQLite, however this can be extended to any data store supported by EntityFramework Core.
Headway.Repository is not limited to EntityFramework Core and can be replaced with a completely different data access implementation.
Add the connection string to appsettings.json of Headway.WebApi.
Note Headway will know whether you are pointing to SQLite or a MS SQL Server database based on the connection string. This can be extended in DesignTimeDbContextFactory.cs to use other databases if required.
"ConnectionStrings": {
/* SQLite*/
/*"DefaultConnection": "Data Source=..\\..\\db\\Headway.db;"*/
/* MS SQL Server*/
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=Headway;Trusted_Connection=True;"
Create the database and schema using EF Core migrations in Headway.MigrationsSqlServer or MigrationsSqlite, depending on which database you choose. If you are using Visual Studio in the Developer PowerShell
navigate to Headway.WebApi folder and run the following:
The following incredibly useful UML diagrams have been provided by @VR-Architect.
- Right-click the
folder in the Blazor project and clickAdd
thenClient-Side Library...
. Search forfont-awesome
and install it. - For a Blazor Server app add
@import url('font-awesome/css/all.min.css');
at the top of site.css. - For a Blazor WebAssembly app adding
@import url('font-awesome/css/all.min.css');
to app.css didn't work. Instead add<link href="c/https://github.com/grantcolley/ss/font-awesome/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
to index.html.
Migrations are kept in separate projects from the ApplicationDbContext. The ApplicationDbContext is in the Headway.Repository library, which is referenced by Headway.WebApi. When running migrations from Headway.WebApi, the migrations are output to either Headway.MigrationsSqlite or Headway.MigrationsSqlServer, depending on which connection string is used in Headway.WebApi's appsettings.json. For this to work, a DesignTimeDbContextFactory class must be created in Headway.Repository. This allows migrations to be created for a DbContext that is in a project other than the startup project Headway.WebApi. DesignTimeDbContextFactory specifies which project the migration output should target based on the connection string in Headway.WebApi's appsettings.json.
public class DesignTimeDbContextFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>
public ApplicationDbContext CreateDbContext(string[] args)
IConfigurationRoot configuration
= new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(
.AddJsonFile(@Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/../Headway.WebApi/appsettings.json")
var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>();
var connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
builder.UseSqlite(connectionString, x => x.MigrationsAssembly("Headway.MigrationsSqlite"));
builder.UseSqlServer(connectionString, x => x.MigrationsAssembly("Headway.MigrationsSqlServer"));
return new ApplicationDbContext(builder.Options);
Headway.WebApi's Startup.cs should also specify which project the migration output should target base on the connection string.
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
if (Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection").Contains("Headway.db"))
x => x.MigrationsAssembly("Headway.MigrationsSqlite"));
x => x.MigrationsAssembly("Headway.MigrationsSqlServer"));
In the Developer PowerShell window navigate to the Headway.WebApi project and manage migrations by running the following command:
Add a new migration:
dotnet ef migrations add UpdateHeadway --project ..\..\Utilities\Headway.MigrationsSqlServer
Update the database with the latest migrations. It will also create the database if it hasn't already been created:
dotnet ef database update --project ..\..\Utilities\Headway.MigrationsSqlServer
Remove the latest migration:
dotnet ef migrations remove --project ..\..\Utilities\Headway.MigrationsSqlServer
Supporting notes:
- Create migrations from the repository library and output them to a separate migrations projects
- https://medium.com/oppr/net-core-using-entity-framework-core-in-a-separate-project-e8636f9dc9e5
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/projects?tabs=dotnet-core-cli
Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET)
has been removed from the ASP.NET Core shared framework. The default JSON serializer for ASP.NET Core is now System.Text.Json
, which is new in .NET Core 3.0.
Entity Framework requires the Include()
method to specify related entities to include in the query results. An example is GetUserAsync
in AuthorisationRepository.
public async Task<User> GetUserAsync(string claim, int userId)
var user = await applicationDbContext.Users
.Include(u => u.Permissions)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.UserId.Equals(userId))
return user;
The query results will now contain a circular reference, where the parent references the child which references parent and so on. In order for System.Text.Json
to handle de-serialising objects contanining circular references we have to set JsonSerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler
to IgnoreCycle in the Headway.WebApi's Startup class. If we don't explicitly specify that circular references should be ignored Headway.WebApi will return HTTP Status 500 Internal Server Error
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.JsonSerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles);
The default JSON serializer for ASP.NET Core is now System.Text.Json
. However, System.Text.Json
is new and might currently be missing features supported by Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET)
I reported a bug in System.Text.Json where duplicate values are nulled out when setting JsonSerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles
How to specify ASP.NET Core use Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET)
as the JSON serializer install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson and the following to the Startup of Headway.WebApi:
Note: I had to do this after noticing System.Text.Json
nulled out duplicate string values after setting ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles
.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore);
- @VR-Architect - for providing incredibly useful UML Diagrams