- 👋 Hi, I’m @gemmaarianna
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... .. ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jG1_-f1jY8 .. ...Gojong (Korean traditional music)
....,.. nature..travel..geinmeicha tea..my favorite.toasty..farmy.. ..writing poems..music..a bit of piano..a bit of guittar.. new zealand..korea...japan.. ...canadian islands.. and Maine..tend to be my favorite places.. ..''..''one of my favorite rock songs..is ''fire and rain..''by james taylor..i enjoy..''the version when he is old and croacking on it....the covers.. ''..particularly by the ''running mates... '''iv lived a lot of years out of backpack in jungles at times.. ''..- 👀 I’m interested in ...
- 🌱 I’m currently learning .....jungle thailand to korea to china life again...
- ...
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- ..AI Overview Learn more The Japanese name Narumi (なるみ, ナルミ) can mean "the roaring of the sea" or be a feminine name or surname. Meaning The roaring of the sea: The Japanese word narumi (鳴海) means "the roaring of the sea". To become, grow, reach, attain: The first element of the name comes from the verb naru (成/為る), which means "to become, grow, reach, attain". To sound, ring, resound, echo: The first element of the name also comes from the verb naru (鳴る), which means "to sound, ring, resound, echo". Pronunciation The name is pronounced "Ná-rú-mí". Other uses The surname Narumiya means "sound" (鳴) (naru) and "temple, shrine, palace" (宮) (miya). Narumi Yasuda is an actress from Tokyo, Japan.
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