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Version: 3.3.0 Type: application AppVersion: 25.2.2

Open Source Webhooks Gateway


Name Email Url
Convoy Engineering Team


Repository Name Version postgresql 12.5.6 redis 17.11.3


Key Type Default Description int 1 object {}
agent.autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable autoscaling for the agent
agent.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 10
agent.autoscaling.minReplicas int 2
agent.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
agent.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 80
agent.env.analytics_enabled bool true
agent.env.consumer_pool_size int 100
agent.env.dispatcher.allow_list[0] string ""
agent.env.dispatcher.deny_list[0] string ""
agent.env.dispatcher.deny_list[1] string ""
agent.env.dispatcher.insecure_skip_verify bool false
agent.env.enable_feature_flag list []
agent.env.enable_profiling bool false
agent.env.environment string "oss"
agent.env.instance_ingest_rate int 100
agent.env.license_key string ""
agent.env.log_level string "error"
agent.env.max_retry_seconds int 7200
agent.env.metrics.enabled bool false
agent.env.metrics.metrics_backend string "prometheus"
agent.env.metrics.prometheus_metrics.sample_time int 5
agent.env.proxy string ""
agent.env.pyroscope.enabled bool false
agent.env.pyroscope.password string ""
agent.env.pyroscope.profile_id string ""
agent.env.pyroscope.url string ""
agent.env.pyroscope.username string ""
agent.env.retention_policy.enabled bool false
agent.env.retention_policy.policy string "720h"
agent.env.sign_up_enabled bool false
agent.env.smtp.enabled bool false
agent.env.smtp.from string ""
agent.env.smtp.password string "" Ignored in case of secret parameter with non-empty value
agent.env.smtp.port int 0
agent.env.smtp.provider string ""
agent.env.smtp.reply_to string ""
agent.env.smtp.secret string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, password value will be ignored. The password in the secret should be in the 'password' key
agent.env.smtp.ssl bool false
agent.env.smtp.url string ""
agent.env.smtp.username string "" bool false string "" string "" string "" string "" string "" string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, secretKey value will be ignored. The password in the secret should be in the 'secretKey' key string "" Ignored in case of secret parameter with non-empty value string "" string ""
agent.env.worker_execution_mode string "default"
agent.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the agent image
agent.image.repository string "getconvoy/convoy" Repository to be used by the agent. The latest tag is used by default
agent.podDisruptionBudget object {}
agent.service.port int 80 Port for the agent service
agent.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service for the agent
global.convoy.api_version string "2024-01-01" API version
global.convoy.enable_usage_analytics bool true Enable usage analytics
global.convoy.environment string "oss" Convoy Environment
global.convoy.image string "getconvoy/convoy" Docker image tags for all convoy components
global.convoy.jwt_refresh_secret string "convoy-refresh-secret" JWT Refresh Secret key
global.convoy.jwt_secret string "convoy-secret" JWT Secret key
global.convoy.jwt_secret_name string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, JWT secret values will be ignored. The secrets should be in the 'jwt_secret' and 'jwt_refresh_secret' keys
global.convoy.license_key string "" License Key
global.convoy.log_level string "error" Logger Level for all convoy components
global.convoy.otel_auth_header_name string "" Open Telemetry auth header name
global.convoy.otel_auth_header_value string "" Open Telemetry auth header value
global.convoy.otel_collector_url string "" Open Telemetry collector url
global.convoy.otel_insecure_skip_verify bool true Open Telemetry insecure skip verify
global.convoy.otel_sample_rate int 1 Open Telemetry sample rate
global.convoy.retention_policy_duration string "720h" Retention policy duration
global.convoy.retention_policy_enabled bool false Retention policy enabled
global.convoy.sentry_dsn string "" Sentry DSN
global.convoy.tag string "v25.2.2" Docker image tags for all convoy components
global.convoy.tracer_enabled bool false Tracing config for all convoy services
global.convoy.tracer_type string "otel" Tracing provider type
global.externalDatabase.database string "convoy" Database name for the external database
global.externalDatabase.enabled bool true Enable an external database, This will use postgresql chart, Change values if you use an external database string "postgresql" Host for the external database
global.externalDatabase.options string "sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=30" Query params for the external database
global.externalDatabase.password string "postgres" Password for the external database, ignored in case of secret parameter with non-empty value
global.externalDatabase.port int 5432 Port for the external database
global.externalDatabase.postgresPassword string "postgres" Password for the external database
global.externalDatabase.secret string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, password value will be ignored. The password in the secret should be in the 'password' key
global.externalDatabase.username string "postgres" Username for the external database
global.externalRedis.addresses string "" redis cluster addresses, if set the other values won't be used
global.externalRedis.database string "" Database name for the external redis.
global.externalRedis.enabled bool false Enable external redis, Enable this if you use an external redis and disable Native redis string "" Host for the external redis
global.externalRedis.password string "" password for the external redis, ignored in case of secret parameter with non-empty value
global.externalRedis.port string "" Port for the external redis
global.externalRedis.scheme string "" Scheme for the external redis. This can be redis, rediss, redis-socket or redis-sentinel
global.externalRedis.secret string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, password value will be ignored. The password in the secret should be in the 'password' key
global.externalRedis.username string "" username for the external redis.
global.nativeRedis.enabled bool true Enable redis, This will use redis chart, Disable if you use an external redis string "redis-master" Host for the redis
global.nativeRedis.password string "convoy" password for the redis, ignored in case of secret parameter with non-empty value
global.nativeRedis.port int 6379 Port for the redis
global.nativeRedis.secret string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, password value will be ignored. The password in the secret should be in the 'password' key int 1 object {}
server.autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable autoscaling for the server
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 10
server.autoscaling.minReplicas int 2
server.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
server.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 80 bool true
server.env.analytics_enabled bool true
server.env.api_version string "2024-01-01"
server.env.auth.jwt.enabled bool true
server.env.auth.jwt.refresh_secret string "convoy-refresh-secret"
server.env.auth.jwt.secret string "convoy-secret"
server.env.auth.native.enabled bool true
server.env.enable_feature_flag list []
server.env.enable_profiling bool false
server.env.environment string "oss" string ""
server.env.instance_ingest_rate int 100
server.env.license_key string ""
server.env.log_level string "error"
server.env.max_response_size int 50 Max response body when ingesting webhooks (might be renamed). Defaults to 50KB
server.env.max_retry_seconds int 7200
server.env.metrics.enabled bool false
server.env.metrics.metrics_backend string "prometheus"
server.env.metrics.prometheus_metrics.sample_time int 5
server.env.pyroscope.enabled bool false
server.env.pyroscope.password string ""
server.env.pyroscope.profile_id string ""
server.env.pyroscope.url string ""
server.env.pyroscope.username string ""
server.env.retention_policy.enabled bool false
server.env.retention_policy.policy string "720h"
server.env.sign_up_enabled bool false bool false string "" string "" string "" string "" string "" string "" string "" If this secret parameter is not empty, secretKey value will be ignored. The password in the secret should be in the 'secretKey' key string "" Ignored in case of secret parameter with non-empty value string "" string ""
server.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the server image
server.image.repository string "getconvoy/convoy" Repository to be used by the server. The latest tag is used by default
server.ingress.annotations object {}
server.ingress.enabled bool true Enable ingress for the server
server.ingress.hosts[0].host string ""
server.ingress.hosts[0].http.paths[0].path string "/"
server.ingress.hosts[0].http.paths[0].pathType string "Prefix"
server.ingress.ingressClassName string ""
server.ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] string ""
server.ingress.tls[0].secretName string "test-tls-secret"
server.podDisruptionBudget object {}
server.service.port int 80 Port for the server service
server.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service for the server

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0