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πŸ‘€ Easily apply tilt parallax hover effects for Flutter, which supports tilt, light, shadow effects, and gyroscope sensors


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Flutter Tilt
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Easily apply tilt parallax hover effects for Flutter!

Example Preview GIF - Parallax image
Example Preview GIF
Example Preview GIF - Parallax card
Example Preview GIF - Layout

Check out the Live Demo.

Table of contents πŸͺ„

Features ✨

  • πŸ“¦ Tilt effect
  • πŸ”¦ Light effect
  • πŸ’‘ Shadow effect
  • πŸ‘€ Parallax effect
  • πŸ“± Gyroscope sensor support (Sensors compatibility)
  • 🧱 Multiple layouts
  • πŸ‘‡ Supports hover, touch and sensors events
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Smooth animation
  • βš™οΈ Many custom parameters

Install 🎯

Versions compatibility 🐦

Flutter 3.0.0+ 3.10.0+ 3.19.0+
flutter_tilt 3.0.0+ ❌ ❌ βœ…
flutter_tilt 2.0.0+ ❌ βœ… βœ…
flutter_tilt 1.0.0+ βœ… ❌ ❌

Platforms compatibility πŸ“±

Android iOS Web macOS Windows Linux
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

Add package πŸ“¦

Run this command with Flutter,

$ flutter pub add flutter_tilt

or add flutter_tilt to pubspec.yaml dependencies manually.

  flutter_tilt: ^latest_version

Sensors compatibility πŸ“±

Sensors will only trigger on these platforms.
Platforms without sensors support do not affect the normal use of other features.

Android iOS Web (HTTPS) macOS Windows Linux
βœ… βœ… Browser compatibility ❌ ❌ ❌


Currently Web uses the Sensor API - Gyroscope, but it is not compatible with some of the major browsers, such as Safari, Firefox.

Gestures priority πŸ“±

When multiple gestures are enabled, they are triggered based on priority:

Touch > Hover > Controller > Sensors

Simple usage πŸ“–

Example: flutter_tilt/example

Tilt πŸ“¦

Tilt widget will have default tilt, shadow, and light effects.

/// Import flutter_tilt
import 'package:flutter_tilt/flutter_tilt.dart';

  child: Container(
    width: 150.0,
    height: 300.0,
    color: Colors.grey,

Parallax πŸ‘€

TiltParallax widget can only be used in the childLayout of Tilt widget.

/// Import flutter_tilt
import 'package:flutter_tilt/flutter_tilt.dart';

  childLayout: const ChildLayout(
    outer: [
      /// Parallax here
        child: TiltParallax(
          child: Text('Parallax'),
      /// Parallax here
        top: 20.0,
        left: 20.0,
        child: TiltParallax(
          size: Offset(-10.0, -10.0),
          child: Text('Tilt'),
  child: Container(
    width: 150.0,
    height: 300.0,
    color: Colors.brown,

Usage πŸ“–

Tilt widget parameters πŸ€–

Parameter Type Default Description
child required Widget - Create a widget that its child widget can be tilted.
childLayout ChildLayout ChildLayout() Other child layouts.
e.g. parallax outer, inner, behind.
tiltStreamController StreamController<TiltStreamModel>? null StreamController<TiltStreamModel>.broadcast() to control the tilt.
disable bool false Disable all effects.
fps int 60 Gesture triggered frames.
border BoxBorder? null BoxDecoration border.
borderRadius BorderRadiusGeometry? null BoxDecoration borderRadius.
clipBehavior Clip Clip.antiAlias Flutter clipBehavior.
tiltConfig TiltConfig TiltConfig() Tilt effect config.
lightShadowMode LightShadowMode LightShadowMode.base Light & Shadow Mode.
lightConfig LightConfig LightConfig() Light effect config.
shadowConfig ShadowConfig ShadowConfig() Shadow effect config.
onGestureMove void Function(TiltDataModel, GesturesType)? null Gesture move callback.
onGestureLeave void Function(TiltDataModel, GesturesType)? null Gesture leave callback.

TiltParallax widget parameters πŸ€–

Parameter Type Default Description
child required Widget - Create a widget with parallax.
size Offset Offset(10.0, 10.0) Parallax size.
filterQuality FilterQuality null Flutter FilterQuality.

ChildLayout πŸ“„

Parameter Type Default Description
outer List<Widget> <Widget>[] As with Stack, you can use the Stack layout to create widgets that are outer of the child.
e.g. parallax effects.
inner List<Widget> <Widget>[] As with Stack, you can use the Stack layout to create widgets that are inner of the child.
e.g. parallax effects.
behind List<Widget> <Widget>[] As with Stack, you can use the Stack layout to create widgets that are behind of the child.
e.g. parallax effects.

StreamController<TiltStreamModel> πŸ“„

final StreamController<TiltStreamModel> tiltStreamController =

/// The current gesture is being used
    position: Offset(xx, xx),

/// Stop using the current gesture
    position: Offset(xx, xx),
    gestureUse: false,
Parameter Type Default Description
position required Offset - The current trigger position,
It will have the tilt effect of the corresponding position.
There is a widget size, width: 10, height: 10,
(0, 0): Maximum tilt top left.
(10, 10): Maximum tilt bottom right.
gesturesType GesturesType GesturesType.controller Trigger gesture type.
It is triggered according to the gesture priority.
If you need to customize the control with animation or other means.
Recommended use of GesturesType.controller.
If other types are used for triggering,
Then it will be affected by the configuration and effects associated with that type.
When custom triggering GesturesType.sensors.
If TiltConfig.enableSensorRevert is configured to be false,
it will also not revert to the initial state.
gestureUse bool true Whether the gesture is being used.
It is used to determine if the gesture is being used and will be processed according to the gesture priority.
If GesturesType.touch is never assigned false when triggered, gestures with a lower priority than GesturesType.touch will never be triggered.

TiltConfig πŸ“„

Parameter Type Default Description
disable bool false Only disable the tilt effect.
initial Offset? null Initial tilt progress, range (x, y): (1, 1) to (-1, -1),
you can exceed the range, but the maximum tilt angle during gesture movement is always tilted according to [TiltConfig.angle].
e.g. (0.0, 0.0) center
(1.0, 1.0) Maximum tilt top left [TiltConfig.angle].
angle double 10.0 Maximum tilt angle.
e.g. 180 will flip.
direction List<TiltDirection>? null Tilt Direction, multiple directions, customized direction values.
enableReverse bool false Tilt reverse, can be tilted up or down.
filterQuality FilterQuality null Flutter FilterQuality.
enableGestureSensors bool true Gyroscope sensor triggered tilt.
Only the following gestures:
sensorFactor double 10.0 Sensor trigger factor (sensitivity).
Only the following gestures:
enableSensorRevert bool true Enable sensor tilt revert, will revert to the initial state.
Only the following gestures:
sensorRevertFactor double 0.05 Sensor revert factor (damping), range of values: 0-1.
Only the following gestures:
sensorMoveDuration Duration Duration(milliseconds: 50) Animation duration during sensor move.
Only the following gestures:
enableGestureHover bool true Hover gesture triggered tilt.
Only the following gestures:
enableGestureTouch bool true Touch gesture triggered tilt.
Only the following gestures:
enableRevert bool true Enable tilt revert, will revert to the initial state.
Only the following gestures:
enableOutsideAreaMove bool true Tilt can continue to be triggered outside the area.
Only the following gestures:
moveDuration Duration Duration(milliseconds: 100) Animation duration during gesture move.
Only the following gestures:
leaveDuration Duration Duration(milliseconds: 300) Animation duration after gesture leave.
Only the following gestures:
moveCurve Curve Curves.linear Animation curve during gesture move.
Only the following gestures:
leaveCurve Curve Curves.linear Animation curve after gesture leave.
Only the following gestures:
controllerMoveDuration Duration Duration(milliseconds: 100) Animation duration during controller gesture move.
Only the following gestures:
controllerLeaveDuration Duration Duration(milliseconds: 300) Animation duration after controller gesture leave.
Only the following gestures:

LightShadowMode πŸ“„

Enum Value Description
LightShadowMode.base [No performance risk]
Use normal shadow effects only for Tilt.child without performance degradation.
LightShadowMode.projector [Performance risk exists]
Apply a shadow to the entire Tilt widget, similar to a projector effect.
will display a shadow that exactly matches the non-transparent parts of the widget.
Recommended for the following scenarios:
- Images only
- No data states
- No Hero tags

LightConfig πŸ“„

Parameter Type Default Description
disable bool false Only disable the light effect.
color Color Color(0xFFFFFFFF) Light color.
minIntensity double 0.0 Color minimum opacity, also initial opacity.
maxIntensity double 0.5 Color maximum opacity for tilt progresses.
spreadFactor double 4.0 Light spread factor, relative to current widget size.
projectorScale double 1.1 Light area size scale.
Only the following mode:
direction LightDirection LightDirection.around Light direction.
[ShadowConfig.direction] (not affected after configuration).
enableReverse bool false Reverse light direction.
[ShadowConfig.direction] (not affected after configuration).
[ShadowConfig.enableReverse] (not affected after configuration).

ShadowConfig πŸ“„

Parameter Type Default Description
disable bool false Only disable the shadow effect.
color Color Color(0xFF9E9E9E) Shadow color.
minIntensity double 0.0 Color minimum opacity, also initial opacity.
maxIntensity double 0.5 Color maximum opacity as tilt progresses.
offsetInitial Offset Offset(0.0, 0.0) Initial value of shadow offset.
e.g. (0.0, 0.0) center.
(40.0, 40.0) Offset 40 to the top left.
offsetFactor double 0.1 Shadow offset factor, relative to current widget size.
spreadInitial double 0.0 Initial value of shadow spread radius.
Only the following mode:
spreadFactor double 0.0 Shadow spread radius factor, relative to current widget size.
Only the following mode:
minBlurRadius double 10.0 Minimum blur radius, also initial blur radius.
Only the following mode:
maxBlurRadius double 20.0 Maximum blur radius for tilt progresses.
Only the following mode:
projectorScaleFrom double 1.0 Size scale for minimum progress, also initial size scale.
Only the following mode:
projectorScaleTo double 1.0 Size scale for maximum progress.
Only the following mode:
projectorBlurSigmaFrom double 5.0 Blur sigma for minimum progress, also initial blur sigma.
Only the following mode:
projectorBlurSigmaTo double 10.0 Blur sigma for maximum progress.
Only the following mode:
direction ShadowDirection? null Shadow direction.
enableReverse bool? null Reverse shadow direction.

Contributors ✨

See graphs/contributors for more details.
Contributions of any kind are welcome! (emoji key)

πŸ’»Β  πŸ‘€Β  πŸ“–Β  πŸ’‘Β  ⚠️  🚧  🎨  πŸ€”Β  πŸ’¬Β 


License πŸ“„

MIT License
Open sourced under the MIT license.

Β© AmosHuKe