Splices multiple 3D Printer gcode files into a single gcode file for multiple extruder printing.
Documentation and other tidbits for the TrinityLabs MendelMax 1.5+
ezmobius / redis-rb
Forked from redis/redis-rbA Ruby client library for Redis
ezmobius / vmc
Forked from cloudfoundry-attic/vmcThe command line client for Cloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project
ezmobius / vcap-tests
Forked from pmenglund/vcap-testsCloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project
Cloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project
The command line client for Cloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project
Embed the Power of Lua into NginX
killer build of nginx *and* luajit-beta6 plus 21 other modules
Provides a set of async. callback based handlers for working with raw TCP/UDP socket, ZeroMQ sockets, or HTTP client/server.
ezmobius / heist
Forked from jcoglan/heistScheme in as little Ruby and as much Scheme as possible. Supports macros, continuations, tail recursion and lazy evaluation.
ezmobius / nats
Forked from nats-io/nats.rbA simple and performant EventMachine based Publish-Subscribe system.
Asynchronous programming (based on EventMachine) without trouble of callbacks
Ruby client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
The beginning of DevCloud's Chef configuration
Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers
Health checks upstreams for nginx
An Actor library based around Redis. Useful for coordination, command and control of distributed ruby processes
a collection of chef recipes to install, configure and run a variety of NoSQL db's on the engine yard cloud.
C based graph db server using tokyocabinet & libevent
Mocktacular Companion to AMQP Library. Happy TATFTing!
🐊 The historical, initial implementation of an ooc compiler in Java