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@xcguang xcguang released this 09 May 03:03
· 45 commits to release/v3.3.0.0 since this release

v3.3.0.0 Release Notes

v3.3.0.0 is released for ESP32-C2 and ESP32-C3. The changes since the previous version are as follows.


Documentation for Release v3.3.0.0 is available at ESP32C2-AT v3.3.0.0 is a major update for ESP32C2-AT v3.1.0.0.

The firmwares:

This is the list of changes since release v3.1.0.0:

Breaking Changes

  • esp-idf version updated to v5.0.6

1. Feature

1.1 TCP/IP

  • Added the AT+CIPSSLCPSKHEX command to set SSL client pre-shared key in hexadecimal format
  • Added the AT+CIPRECVTYPE command to set recv mode for each connection
  • AT+CIPRECVLEN query command can return the real data length now

1.2 Application Layer

  • AT+CIPSNTPCFG: Added timezone query and timezone set when SNTP was disabled
  • AT+MQTTCONNCFG: Enlarged lwt msg length to 128 bytes
  • Added the AT+MQTTSNI command to set MQTT server name indication

2. Bugfix

2.1 Wi-Fi

  • AT+CWLAP: Fixed an issue where executing AT+CWLAP may return an ERROR when the AT+CWRECONNCFG command is sent immediately after the Wi-Fi disconnection

2.2 TCP/IP

  • AT+PING: Fixed an issue that cannot ping a linklocal ipv6 address
  • Fixed an SSL issue where "CLOSED" was output before reading all data in passive mode
  • Fixed a potential SSL crash if mbedtls dynamic buffer feature is used and SSL renegotiation occurs
  • Fixed an issue where esp-tls is unable to parse ECC keys

2.3 System

  • Fixed the issue that AT+SYSMFG read operation returned wrong length
  • Fixed the issue where AT cannot work immediately after restart and prompt ready
  • Fixed an AT+SYSFLASH crash issue if read a large amount of data

3. Optimization

  • Optimized sntp startup delay and receive timeout to speedup sntp time acquisition
  • Disabled relinker feature to get rid of potential crashes
  • Optimized the available ram size
  • Re-organized the gitlab ci
  • Re-organized the main directory of the esp-at repository
  • Added some debug options to allow different kinds of esp-at debug output


Documentation for Release v3.3.0.0 is available at ESP32C3-AT v3.3.0.0 is a major update for ESP32C3-AT v3.2.0.0.

The firmware:

This is the list of changes since release v3.2.0.0:

Breaking Changes

  • esp-idf version updated to v5.0.6
  • RF power: Fixed an issue where the actual wifi transmit power didn't match the settings. The default configuration of wifi transmit power is 19.5 dBm, but the actual wifi transmit power may be slightly lower than the settings, this is because the wifi transmit power is limited by your country code according to phy_multiple_init_data.bin configuration. In the current version, esp-at disabled multiple phy init data bin to improve the wifi transmit power (RF power is no longer limited by your country code).

1. Feature

1.1 TCP/IP

  • Added the AT+CIPRECVTYPE command to set recv mode for each connection
  • AT+CIPRECVLEN query command can return the real data length now

1.2 Application Layer

  • AT+MQTTCONNCFG: Enlarged lwt msg length to 128 bytes
  • Added the AT+MQTTSNI command to set MQTT server name indication

2. Bugfix

2.1 Wi-Fi

  • AT+CWLAP: Fixed an issue where executing AT+CWLAP may return an ERROR when the AT+CWRECONNCFG command is sent immediately after the Wi-Fi disconnection
  • Fixed an issue where init and deinit the wifi could lead to Wi-Fi scan issue

2.2 TCP/IP

  • AT+PING: Fixed an issue that cannot ping a link-local ipv6 address
  • Fixed an SSL issue where "CLOSED" was output before reading all data in passive mode
  • Fixed a potential SSL crash if mbedtls dynamic buffer feature is used and SSL renegotiation occurs
  • Fixed an issue where esp-tls is unable to parse ECC keys

2.3 System

  • Fixed the issue where AT cannot work immediately after restart and prompt ready
  • Fixed an AT+SYSFLASH crash issue if a large amount of data is read

2.4 Bluetooth

  • Fixed ble init fail issue
  • Fixed ble disconnection will crash issue
  • Fixed ble connection timeout issue

3. Optimization

  • Optimized SNTP startup delay and receive timeout to speed up SNTP time acquisition
  • Re-organized the GitLab CI
  • Re-organized the main directory of the esp-at repository
  • Added some debug options to allow different kinds of esp-at debug output