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Simple server that probes iPerf3 endpoints and exports results via HTTP for Prometheus consumption


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iPerf3 Exporter

A Prometheus exporter for iPerf3 network performance metrics.

Go Report Card Docker Pulls License

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Docker Image Name Change

The Docker image has moved to GitHub Container Registry ( and the name has changed from iperf3-exporter to iperf3_exporter following GitHub's naming standards. If you were using the old image name, please update your references.

The iPerf3 exporter allows iPerf3 probing of endpoints for Prometheus monitoring, enabling you to measure network performance metrics like bandwidth, jitter, and packet loss.


  • Measure network bandwidth between hosts
  • Monitor network performance over time
  • Support for both TCP and UDP tests
  • Configurable test parameters (duration, bitrate, etc.)
  • TLS support for secure communication
  • Basic authentication for access control
  • Health and readiness endpoints for monitoring
  • Prometheus metrics for exporter itself


From Binaries

Download the most suitable binary for your platform from the releases tab.

# Download (replace VERSION and PLATFORM with appropriate values)
curl -L -o iperf3_exporter

# Make executable
chmod +x iperf3_exporter

# Run
./iperf3_exporter <flags>

Note: iperf3 binary should also be installed and accessible from the path.

Using Docker

docker run --rm -d -p 9579:9579 --name iperf3_exporter

The Docker images are available for multiple architectures (amd64, arm64) and are published to GitHub Container Registry.

Building from Source

# Clone repository
git clone
cd iperf3_exporter

# Build
go build -o iperf3_exporter ./cmd/iperf3_exporter

# Run


Starting the Exporter

./iperf3_exporter [flags]


iPerf3 exporter is configured via command-line flags:

Flag Description Default
--web.listen-address Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface (repeatable) :9579
--web.telemetry-path Path under which to expose metrics /metrics
--web.probe-path Path under which to expose the probe endpoint /probe
--iperf3.timeout iperf3 run timeout 30s
--web.config.file Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication
--web.systemd-socket Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only) false
--log.level Only log messages with the given severity or above info
--log.format Output format of log messages logfmt

Web Configuration File

The exporter supports a configuration file for TLS and authentication settings. This file is specified with the --web.config.file flag.

Example configuration file:

  cert_file: server.crt
  key_file: server.key

  username: password

For more details on the web configuration file format, see the exporter-toolkit documentation.

To view all available command-line flags, run:

./iperf3_exporter -h

The timeout of each probe is automatically determined from the scrape_timeout in the Prometheus config. This can be also be limited by the iperf3.timeout command-line flag. If neither is specified, it defaults to 30 seconds.

Probe Parameters

When making requests to the /probe endpoint, the following parameters can be used:

Parameter Description Default
target Target host to probe (required) -
port Port that the target iperf3 server is listening on 5201
reverse_mode Run iperf3 in reverse mode (server sends, client receives) false
bitrate Target bitrate in bits/sec (format: #[KMG][/#]) -
period Duration of the iperf3 test 5s

Checking the Results

Visit http://localhost:9579 to see the exporter's web interface.

Prometheus Configuration

The iPerf3 exporter needs to be passed the target as a parameter, this can be done with relabelling.

Example config:

  - job_name: 'iperf3'
    metrics_path: /probe
      - targets:
        - foo.server
        - bar.server
      port: ['5201']
      # Optional: enable reverse mode
      # reverse_mode: ['true']
      # Optional: set bitrate limit
      # bitrate: ['100M']
      # Optional: set test period
      # period: ['10s']
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement:  # The iPerf3 exporter's real hostname:port.

Available Metrics

The exporter provides the following metrics:

Metric Description Labels
iperf3_up Was the last iperf3 probe successful (1 for success, 0 for failure) target, port
iperf3_sent_seconds Total seconds spent sending packets target, port
iperf3_sent_bytes Total sent bytes for the last test run target, port
iperf3_received_seconds Total seconds spent receiving packets target, port
iperf3_received_bytes Total received bytes for the last test run target, port
iperf3_retransmits Total retransmits for the last test run target, port

Additionally, the exporter provides metrics about itself:

Metric Description
iperf3_exporter_duration_seconds Duration of collections by the iperf3 exporter
iperf3_exporter_errors_total Errors raised by the iperf3 exporter

Querying the Bandwidth

You can use the following Prometheus queries to calculate bandwidth in Mbits/sec:

Receiver Bandwidth (Download Speed)

rate(iperf3_received_bytes{instance="target"}[1m]) * 8 / 1000000

Sender Bandwidth (Upload Speed)

rate(iperf3_sent_bytes{instance="target"}[1m]) * 8 / 1000000

These queries use the rate() function to calculate the per-second rate from the counter metrics, then convert from bytes to bits (multiply by 8) and from bits to megabits (divide by 1,000,000).


Contributions to the iperf3_exporter are welcome!

This project follows the Conventional Commits specification. When contributing, please format your commit messages according to this standard:

<type>(<scope>): <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]


  • feat: add support for UDP tests
  • fix: correct metric label in collector
  • docs: update installation instructions
  • refactor(collector): simplify error handling

Development Prerequisites

  • Go 1.24 or higher
  • iperf3 installed on your system

Project Structure

├── cmd/
│   └── iperf3_exporter/     # Main application entry point
├── internal/
│   ├── collector/           # Prometheus collector implementation
│   ├── config/              # Configuration handling
│   ├── iperf/               # iperf3 command execution and result parsing
│   └── server/              # HTTP server implementation
├── tests/
│   └── e2e/                 # End-to-end tests
├── .github/
│   └── workflows/           # GitHub Actions workflows
├── .goreleaser.yml          # GoReleaser configuration
├── Dockerfile               # Multi-arch Docker build configuration
├── go.mod                   # Go module definition
└──                # This file

Building and Testing

The project uses a Makefile to streamline development tasks:

# Build the binary
make build

# Run all tests
make test

# Complete development workflow (run mod, generate, lint, vet, tests and build)
make all

# Tidy and download dependencies
make mod

# Run linting
make lint

# Run go vet
make vet

# Generate code (if any generators are configured)
make generate

# Build Docker image for local development
make docker

# See all available commands
make help

You can also use standard Go commands directly:

# Build manually
go build -o iperf3_exporter ./cmd/iperf3_exporter

# Run tests
go test ./...


This project is released under Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.