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Frequently asked questions:
- How can I open notebook title section? todo
- How can I quickly edit viewed note? todo macos
- How can I stop Note HTML preview "bouncing" while editing its text?
- How can I open Markdown file in MindForger?
- How can I delete tag?
- Why is not line starting with # turned into section when editing a note?
- How can I change font size/color/... in HTML preview?
- How can I manually add Markdown files to MindForger repository?
Image: faq.title-section-edit.png
Simply click notebook name above the note tree outline.
Double click HTML preview to open note editor or use Alt+n e (menu Note/Edit
This is unfortunately know issue - you can get rid of it by disabling math expressions preview:
- go to menu
- click
tab - disable (uncheck)
math support
TL:DR use menu Note/New
to create a new section - "manual" section within section is intentionally quoted.
MindForger uses Markdown as a format for storing data, but it aims to do more. Therefore it splits Markdown file to sections and represents each section as Note:
- MindForger shows Notes outline - tree of Notes on the left in Notebook view
- You can manipulate with sections (up/down/promote/demote/clone/refactor/...) from menu
- It offers associated sections (Notes) to the section being read/written
- ...
See also
Created with passion for my personal pleasure.
Released on the day of my 42nd birthday to confirm answer to the Ultimate Question of life, the Universe, and Everything.
Martin.Dvorak@mindforger.com and contributors
Getting started:
- Basics
- Create Workspace
- Notes Outliner
- Find Note
- Delete Notebook
Video tutorials
- Video: Getting started
- Video: First steps
- Why MindForger?
- Presentations:
- Prezi: Thinking notebook
- History
- In the news
- Bugs and feature requests
- Community
User documentation:
- Basics
Knowledge manager
- New Notebook
- Open existing Notebook
- Edit Notebook and it's description
- Deprecate Notebook and Limbo
- Wingman @ LLM
Markdown editor
- From Markdown to MindForger
- Markdown document
- Document ~ Notebook
- Section ~ Note
- Open Markdown file
- New Markdown file
- Open directory with Markdowns
- Example Markdown content
- Markdown
- Markdown cheat sheet and specification
menu - Images
- Links
- Math
- Diagrams
- Interesting documents and examples
- Live preview
- Outlineing
- Spellcheck
- From Markdown to MindForger
- Markdown IDE
- Templates
- Refactoring
- Cloning
- Link completion
- Find . by .
- Full text search (scope)
- Recent
- Thinking notebook
- Workspace
- Metadata
- Tags
- Statistics (RW)
- Deadlines
- Progress
- Types (thing)
- Auto-linking
- Think as you Browse
- Think as you Read
- Think as you Write
- Associations
- Time-based scopes
- Tag-based scopes
- Knowledge graph navigator
- Limbo
- Study tools
- Coaching
- Integrations
- Mobile phone (Git)
- Machine learning: NLP
- Tooling
- Configuration
- Appearance themes
- Fonts
- Spellcheck
- AA poller
- Credits
Developer documentation:
- Contribute
- Build
- Development environment
- Linux development environment
- Windows development environment
- macOS development environment
- Automation
- Makefile and build/ directory
Continuous Integration (CI)
- GitHub Actions
- AppVeyor
- nightly builds: .dmg | Win installer
- Implementation
- Incremental Markdown recursive descent parser
- Magnets and rubbers: Force-directed Graph
- Model View Presenter front-end pattern
- NLP: stemmer, lexicon and bag of words
- Repository layout specification
- Outline document format specification (Markdown hosted DSL)
- Localization
- API reference (dOxygen generated documentation @ www.mindforger.com)
- Licensing
- Testing
- Library unit tests
- Frontend testing
- Packaging
- Packaging flow and build environments (CI + VMs)
- GitHub Actions (macOS Disk ImaGe, Linux tarball)
- AppVeyor (Windows installer)
- Packaging flow and build environments (CI + VMs)
- Conventions and best practices
- Branching conventions
- Code format conventions
- Security policy
Frequently Asked Questions