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Except for fltk-rs building is straightforward: installing latest stable rust, cloning this repo and running cargo build or cargo build --release is all that is needed.
However, fltk-rs depends on FLTK (Fast Light Tool Kit), a C/C++ library. The swyh-rs version on GitHub will try to build this library, and for this you need C/C++ development tools (MSVC or GCC, CMake, Ninja-build), please refer to fltk-rs - Dependencies for information on this topic.
fltk-rs has an option (feature in Cargo.toml) to use a "bundled" version of FLTK for most platforms, and if you use this option in Cargo.toml you don't have to build FLTK and so don't need a C/C++ development environment. But be aware that this option may disappear in future versions of fltk-rs.
To activate this feature change the following line in Cargo.toml (see fltk-rs - Features):
fltk = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["use-ninja"] }
fltk = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["fltk-bundled"] }
But a C/C++ compiler is needed anyway for building libflac (FLAC support) that comes with versions 1.4 and later.
1.2 From versions 1.9.4 and onward you need to specify a feature, either cli or gui, for building (with "gui" being the default):
To be able to build the CLI version (swyh-rs-cli) without pulling in fltk-rs and dependencies, I had to use 2 features in Cargo.toml: "cli" and "gui" (like in the buildall script).
- to build the cli, use:
cargo build --bin swyh-rs-cli --features cli --release --no-default-features
- to build the gui, use:
cargo build --bin swyh-rs --features gui --release
or justcargo build --release
If you do not specify a feature, the "gui" version is built (the default feature).
For Linux (I use Ubuntu/Debian) you have to install the prerequisites and change some firewall rules:
install libraries to enable compiling fltk-rs:
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxrender-dev libxfixes-dev libpango1.0-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
install libasound2-dev to enable compiling the rust cpal sound library:
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
enable ufw rules for DLNA/UPNP and swyh-rs streaming:
sudo ufw allow in from to any port 1900 proto udp
sudo ufw allow in from fc00::/7 to any port 1900 proto udp
sudo ufw allow in from to any port 32000:60000 proto udp
sudo ufw allow in from fc00::/7 to any port 32000:60000 proto udp
sudo ufw allow in from to any port 5901 proto tcp
sudo ufw allow in from fc00::/7 to any port 5901 proto tcp
sudo ufw reload
2. [OBSOLETE - Use the new CLI version] Running swyh-rs without a GUI in combination with the "Auto-reconnect" option (Windows only)
User @Silun had an interesting use case (see this issue): swyh-rs is used to stream to a Bubble-UPNP server that exposes a Chromecast as an UPNP/DLNA renderer, but once this is configured with autoreconnect @Silun wanted to get rid of the GUI completely, and devised this clever trick:
I use this Python script which is located in the same folder as swyh-rs.exe:
import subprocess
def startProgram(target):
info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
info.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
info.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE
subprocess.Popen(target, startupinfo=info)
program = r'swyh-rs.exe'
It will run swyh-rs.exe while suppressing the window completely. I put a shortcut to it in shell:startup so it will run automatically on user logon. This does what I wanted to accomplish, it just works now, without any window showing up.
@Silun has also made a small tool that allows you to hide swyh-rs in the system tray: Trayify: It's a small windows utility to run any program while hiding its window, and also add a tray icon to quickly toggle the window's visibility.
@ksz16 made this script for downloading the latest release with a script (issue #34):
Maybe it will be useful for someone. Tested on Windows 7 with Cygwin installed and curl and grep added to PATH.
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/dheijl/swyh-rs/releases/latest ^| grep -oP '^"tag_name^": ^"\K^(.*^)^(^?^=^"^)'') DO set LATEST=%%G
curl -L https://github.com/dheijl/swyh-rs/releases/latest/download/swyh-rs-%LATEST%.zip -o %TEMP%\swyh-rs-%LATEST%.zip
@ksz16 also made a complete setup script that integrates the system-tray tool made by @Silun: see issue #35
swyh-rs is built using CPAL without ASIO support. You can still use ASIO though by using VB-Audio HiFi Cable with ASIO Bridge:
According to @mg2c : Using “Hifi Cable Asio Bridge” I can access my RME Fireface UFX II external ASIO soundcard, “connect” it to SWYH-RS and get it to play up to 192kHz/16bit to the Marantz AV7705 AV preamp. So full ASIO support is a given using this bridge.
2. [OBSOLETE - use CLI version] Running swyh-rs without a GUI in combination with the "Auto-reconnect" option