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The documentation of Conduktor Platform & Desktop

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Conduktor technical docs

Production is on main:

Deployment and structure

In most cases, you'll be editing Markdown files in the docs directory, for either Console (docs/platform) or Gateway (docs/gateway).

For a local preview (on localhost:3000), run yarn start.

If you're editing many files or making significant changes, run yarn build to check for any failures before merging:

$ yarn
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

We're using Vercel for hosting and the build will try to deploy to this platform.

Docs best practice


Add images to the assets folder under the same directory as the Markdown file you're editing. Use ![Image description](assets/image.png).

All images will be auto-sized to fit the width of the content pane.

To resize an image:

import MyImage from './assets/my-image.png';

<img src={MyImage} alt="My Image" style={{ width: 400, display: 'block', margin: 'auto' }} />


Use absolute links when linking to Conduktor docs, e.g. hardware specs.

You can also link to specific sections on the page, e.g. export properties.


You can break-up long paragraphs by using tabs, like this.

To add tabs:

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

<TabItem value="First Tab" label="First Tab">

My first tab content:

```yaml title="first-tab.yaml"
myFirstTab: "content"

<TabItem value="Second Tab" label="Second Tab">

My second tab content:

```yaml title="second-tab.yaml"
mySecondTab: "content"


You can use tags to visualize available options, like this.

To add tags:

import Admonition from '@theme/Admonition';

export const Highlight = ({children, color, text}) => (
<span style={{ backgroundColor: color, borderRadius: '4px', color: text, padding: '0.2rem 0.5rem', fontWeight: '500' }}> {children} </span>

export const Tag1 = () => (
<Highlight color="#F8F1EE" text="#7D5E54">Tag 1</Highlight>


Update release notes

Every new version of Gateway and Console has to have release notes.

To update release notes:

  1. Go to src/pages/changelog.
  2. Create a new file or copy an existing one and rename it. The name has to be in this format: <productName>-<versionNumber>.md.
  3. Make sure your file has the following header:
date: 2025-11-25
title: Chargeback
description: docker pull conduktor/conduktor-console:1.31.0
solutions: console
tags: features,fix

*Release date: {, 10)}*
  1. Document all the changes in the release. If it's a major release, consider adding an index/table of contents to make it easier to read.
  2. Open src/pages/changelog.mdx and import your new file, e.g.:
import Console1310 from './changelog/';
  1. Finally, add an entry at the top of the page, linking to your file. E.g.:
## Console 1.131.0
<Console1310 />

Update public API docs

API docs live on host:8888 of the deployed Gateway/Console and are also published to: Gateway API docs and Console API docs.

To update the public docs:

  1. Copy the latest open API yaml files from the conduktor-proxy repo based on the version:
  1. Paste the yaml files to /static/developers and rename as required.
  2. Add the new version to static/developers/openapi/manifest.json.