JavaScript based Markdown parser without dependencies.
1.4kB markdown parser (minified + gzipped)
npm install -S micro-down
micro-down exports 4 functions, although you mostly want to use parse.
parse turns the full markdown into html
const result = markdown.parse('_this_ is **MARKDOWN**');
inline replaces only the inline markup. (bold,italic,underline,strike-trough,line-breaks); inlineBlock transforms only inline code blocks ands media block handles everything else, see below.
As a second parameter you can pass an options object:
option | type | default | description |
preCode | boolean | false | wrap pre blocks ``` in <pre><code> |
- Headlines:
### Headline
- Inline:
*italic*, **bold**, ***bold italic***
- `
_code_="- something";
` or direct escaping with \ ~underline~, ~~strike through~~, ~~~deleted~~~
- Blocks:
- pre format blocks: surrounded by ```
- div blocks:
""" just a div block """
- blockquotes:
> something
- class support
- Anchors:
- Links:
[Label](destination Title)
- URL auto linking
- URL auto linking
- Images:
- linked:
[)](destination Title)
- linked:
- IFrames:
&[width,height,frame class](url)
- Lists:
- Unordered lists using:
- Ordered lists using:
- Nested lists
- Unordered lists using:
- Tables:
| some | text |
- Header row:
|- header -|- row -|
or by a following|---
- Header row:
- Comments
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