Yet another dashboard and a crawler to visualize/integrate all your Cloud/IT infrastructure in a unified view.
It's in a very very early stage.
We are working hard to add more cloud services and soon you will see your favorite cloud in the supported list.
- UltraDNS
- Akamai
- DnsMadeEasy
- MongoDB installed
- All your cloud provider credentials
go get
mkdir .cloudspider
cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.cloudspider/config.yaml
Modify the file ~/.cloudspider/config.yaml
to fill in your credentials or other application related settings. File is self documented and eazy to understand.
shell$ cloudspider --help
A Cloud Crawler process to crawl all your IT infraStructure and
stors then in to a MongoDB util.
cloudcrawler [command]
Available Commands:
crawler Unleash the spiders
help Help about any command
ui A high performance webserver
version Print the program version
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.cloudspider/config.yaml)
Use "cloudcrawler [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To start a UI server
cloudspider ui start
To start the crawler to crawl all your cloud providers and index
cloudspider crawler start