Tags: cloudbase/powershell-yaml
v0.4.11 Bugfixes: * Fix nested PSCustomObjects in hashtables by @gabriel-samfira in #169 * Use decimal as first option when parsing floats by @gabriel-samfira in #170. Thanks @amis92 for the suggestion! * Fix lint errors by @gabriel-samfira in #172 * Use decimals instead of double for tagged floats by @gabriel-samfira in #174 Misc: * Add aditional tests by @gabriel-samfira in #171 * Update README.md by @gabriel-samfira in #173
v0.4.9 Changes in this version: * Revert commit 7980c7c "Fix losing case sensitive keys" [#159](#159). This change added a breaking change which was not properly documented before release, breaking some applications. This change will be re-added in a later version. * Unwrap PScustomObjects before serializing [#158](#158)