List of the links to the docs for different services, which explain using of advanced search operators
awesome-grep Public
List of GREP modifications and alternatives for a variety of purposes
awesome-ip-search-engines Public
This repository contains tutorials and tools for working with IP search engines. Search engines that search all devices connected to the Internet and collect a lot of different information about th…
maltego-transforms-list Public
A list of tools that handle different data and make it usable in Maltego.
API-s-for-OSINT Public
List of API's for gathering information about phone numbers, addresses, domains etc
Dorks-collections-list Public
List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
osint_stuff_tool_collection Public
A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT
quickcacheandarchivesearch Public
Quick Cache and Archive search buttons
cheatsheets Public
High quality and text versions of cheat sheets from Cyber Detective Twitter
Google Custom Search Engines for searching in code repositories
webcamcse Public
Google Custom Search Engine for search in 10 worldwide webcams catalogs
test_for_osintmap Public
Repo for test Yandex Maps API and "World map of OSINT tools"
pastebinsearchengines Public
5 Google Custom Search Engines for searching in 48 pastebin sites
quickgeolocationsearch Public
This simple tool helps save a lot of time when gathering information about geolocation. Enter latitude and longitude once and click the buttons with the names of online maps, to quickly jump to it.
linux-for-OSINT-21-day Public
In this repository you will find sample commands and test files for each day of the course "Linux for OSINT. A 21-day course for beginners".
python-for-OSINT-21-days Public
In this repository you will find sample code files for each day of the course "Python for OSINT. A 21-day course for beginners".
awesome-overpass-turbo Public
Learning materials and tools for using Overpass turbo (web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap that runs Overpass API query and shows the results on map)
osintmap Public
Worldwide map of OSINT tools. 614 services (cadastral maps, business registries, public transport maps, passengers lists, venicle information).
hacker-calendar Public
Hacker calendar 2024 in high resolution + template + some editing tips
22 UpdatedJan 2, 2024 -
OSINT-Github-profiles Public
A list of Github users who distribute tools and tutorials on OSINT (as well as hacking, pentest, and forensics)
Tool of the buttons for quick search keywords ans hashtags in 70 different social media platforms
In this repository, I will collect quick and simple code examples that use Python to automate various #osint tasks.
cipher387.github.io Public
Repo for site with links to my projects
regex-for-OSINT Public
A list of application tools and information resources to help you effectively use regular expressions in OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
domain_investigation_toolbox Public
Enter the domain name once and gather information about it with 33 tools
This repository brings together tool builders, bloggers, speakers, book authors, and other interesting Mastodon accounts
juicyinfo-nuclei-templates Public
Nuclei (https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei) templates for extracting juicy info from web pages
code-understanding-tools Public
Tools for understanding other people's code
grep_for_osint Public
GREP FOR OSINT is a set of very simple shell scripts that will help you quickly analyze a text or a folder with files for data useful for investigation (phone numbers, bank card numbers, URLs, emai…