See .conda.yml
The CLI interface ( for the Sustainable Agro Ecosystem project.
-h,--help | Print this help message and exit
scene_path (string, required) | Path to Scene
lat (flaot, required) | Latitude
long (flaot, required) | Longitude
datetime_str (string, required) | Time of day - should be in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z format
--ray_count (int, default=128) | Number of rays to cast from each sensor
--verbose (bool, default=False) | Be verbose.
The server interface ( for the Permaculture simulation project.
-h,--help | Print this help message and exit
--port (unsigned int, default=9001) | Port to start the server
--rays (unsigned int, default=128) | Number of rays to cast from each triangle in the mesh
--verbose | Be verbose.
The renderer is called via http
- Listening at port
- Respond with a status code
(OK) to aGET
request, this is a check for whether the server is up - Respond to
requests with scene data by returning accummulated irradiances - For details please see
The renderer will receive the scene data in binary form as a set of triangle meshes. A primitive-based alternative format is planned as well.
#Triangle Mesh Binary Serialization
uint32 entitiesCount
foreach ENTITY
uint32 surfacesCount
foreach SURFACE (for now, each surface is an irradiancemeter)
uint8 trianglesCount
foreach TRIANGLE
uint32 index0
uint32 index1
uint32 index2
uint32 pointsCount
foreach POINT
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
Plants correspond to entities. The surfaces are typically light-sensitive plant organs like leaves. Each surface should be associated with a sensor that measures the irradiance exposure (summed all over the surface). Each surface is represented as a set of triangles which are given by vertex indices. After the section with entities, a list of vertices with 3D coordinates is provided.
Per convention the up-direction is defined +Y and noth is -Z.
Result irradiance data format The resulting irradiances per surface need to be sent back as a simple array of floats preserving the order of the surfaces in the request.
This implementation is based on Mitsuba 3. It uses the irradiance meter plugin to calculate the irradiance (W/m^2) for each SURFACE
The geometry is placed into a base scene consisting of a disk
as ground plane and directional emitter
as sun using the direction calculated from the location and time parameters.