Michael Coleman, M.Coleman@F5.Com
Before running this script, you will need set ScriptExecution policy level:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Then, run the script. The message boxes will guide you...
12/7/2015: Added Version control, error handling, base icontrol function. Moved most mods inside testcon, ensures that connection is good, and using a supported version of TMOS.
12/8/2015: Lots of bug fixes, code cleanup, added functions.
2/25/2016: Added Cookie encryption iRule.
9/27/2016: Moved some code around for Windows 10 support. Tightened security around supported ciphers and protocols for SSHD/HTTPD.
3/17/2017: Added some updates to PowerSRG.sh. Not completed, just does the basic patching.
-Working on CreateClientSSLProfile() function.
-Workflow Upload, Split (key/pair, as needed), install. Tie to CreateClientSSLProfile() when completed.
-Work on upload NTP keys, and install accordingly.
-Found Admin rename / disable does not work when using Remote AAA. Figure out work around for that. Possibly switch to local, update, switch back to AAA. What effects on currently logged in user?
-SelfIP Lockdown
-Concurrent GUI Users
-Attach cookie encryption irule to HTTPS Virtual Servers
-iControl() - streamlines the PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod, adds logging / debug.
-RemoteAuth() - placeholder to support Remote AAA X-F5-Auth-Token in v12. *Caveat: Will only work in v12.
-ExtractPKCS12() - Performs extraction of Cert/Key pairs from PKCS12 files uploaded to the BIG-IP.
-InstallCrypto() - Installs Cert/Key pair from BIG-IP filesystem.
-UploadCrypto() - Allows uploading of Certs, Keys, and Pairs.
-Get-Filename() - Uses File Dialog window to allow for easy selection of files for upload.
-Get-FileEncoding() - Determines file encoding type, for use later.
NIST SP 800-53r4 - Password Strength Policy — IA-5(1)
NIST SP 800-53r4 - Usage banner — AC-8
NIST SP 800-53r4 - Maximum Failed Login Attempts — AC-7
NIST SP 800-53r4 / STIG NET1639 - Idle Timeouts for Management Access — AC-2(5), SC-10
NIST SP 800-53r4 - Session Locking and Termination — AC-11, AC-12 (Advice-only block)
NIST SP 800-53r4 / STIG NET0812 - NTP Configuration — AU-8(1,2)
STIG NET1645 - SSHD Lockdown
STIG NET0405 - Call Home Disable.
STIG NET1665 - Remove default SNMP communities
STIG NET0700 - Appliance Mode