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@v0d1ch v0d1ch released this 09 Aug 13:10
· 1160 commits to master since this release

Add capability to withdraw funds from a running Head, documentation improvements, fixes for the internal wallet fee calculation and various other improvements.

⚠️ Warning
There are still several known issues, which are explained in the documentation.

Build artifacts

Hydra Scripts

Transaction IDs to be used as --hydra-scripts-tx-id when running hydra-node on common networks are now also stored in the repository:

  • preview: 19d25f489ffa66ba3568342657fe441f47a417d4e31585b5f0278ebe619ecf41
  • preprod: 976b28bc716490fbaa4e17d7bf33b04f27fcfafef58c436c4f2644adeeb48829
  • mainnet: 747c39eb53a4092fd46e10b417beef9781bf336a4fc1fd439e7492fe3876a1ba

Compatible / tested with

  • cardano-node: 9.1.0
  • cardano-cli:
  • mithril: 2428.0

Upgrade instructions

This release contains breaking changes of the persisted data and on-chain scripts. This means that you'll need to apply the following procedure to upgrade all the nodes currently running a head:

  1. Close and fanout the head
  2. Stop hydra-node
  3. Remove persistent files stored in --persistence-dir, in particular server-output, acks and state
  4. Upgrade hydra-node to this version
  5. Upgrade cardano-node to compatible version (above)
  6. Start new hydra-node version with new --hydra-scripts-tx-id (above)
  7. Open a new head


  • Tested with cardano-node 9.1.0 and cardano-cli

  • Fixed fee calculation of the internal wallet when the network switches to Conway. This allows heads to be opened in Babbage and closed/finalized in Conway. #1553

  • BREAKING Changes to the hydra-node API /commit endpoint #1463:

    • Removed the check that prevented committing UTxOs from an internal hydra-node wallet.
    • SpendingNodeUtxoForbidden error was removed.
  • Add capability to move UTxO out of an open Head to the Cardano main chain: #1344

    • Submitting a decommit transaction to POST /decommit or as Decommit command through websocket, requests removal of this transactions' outputs from the head.
    • When successful, DecommitApproved and DecommitFinalized indicate that all outputs are made available on the layer one.
    • Invalid transactions are explained through a DecommitInvalid server output.
  • Change --start-chain-from to always use the newer point when also a head state is known. #1471

  • Moved several pages from "core concepts" into the user manual and developer docs to futher improve user journey. #1486

  • Offline mode of hydra-node uses --node-id to derive an artificial offline headId. #1551

Full Changelog: 0.17.0...0.18.0


Other contributors to this release: @v0d1ch @locallycompact @ffakenz @ch1bo