This work done during my graduation had the main objective of learning how the Oracle database works. Through this repository, it is possible to learn a little more about Oracle, the PL/SQL language, and a bit about MongoDB (non-relational database).
This development is composed of 3 parts:
- Part 1 - The database modeling, along with the description of the main motivation behind this modeling. Below we can see an image that describes how the database modeling turned out:
- In this stage, we also have 3 different users: System (responsible for granting permissions to users), gabrielb (Responsible for creating the initial schema structure and performing the first population), and user (who has restricted permissions and can view the system's tables).
- Part 2 In this stage, we have the logs and the dump file (binary with the objects and their structures) generated from Part 1.
- Part 3 In this last stage, we see a little about MongoDB and its functioning by performing CRUD operations.
This college work demonstrates basic principles for working with databases. It is possible to see the modeling of a database, how to create, update, view, and delete data and tables, grant permissions to different users, and see the difference in coding from a relational to a non-relational database.
You can execute the scripts from parts 1 and 2 on any DBMS that supports Oracle, I suggest SQL Developer, and to execute part 3, I suggest MongoDB Community Edition.
Gabriel Carvalho