A simple to-do list web application built with Flask and SQLAlchemy.

The application requires the following Python packages:
- blinker==1.9.0
- click==8.1.8
- colorama==0.4.6
- Flask==3.1.0
- Flask-SQLAlchemy==3.1.1
- gunicorn==20.1.0
- itsdangerous==2.2.0
- Jinja2==3.1.5
- MarkupSafe==3.0.2
- repoze.lru==0.7
- setuptools==75.7.0
- six==1.17.0
- SQLAlchemy==2.0.36
- typing_extensions==4.12.2
- Werkzeug==3.1.3
Install them via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application with:
python run.py
Open your browser at to access the app.
Use Docker Compose File
docker run -d --name todo-app -v data:/app/instance -p 5000:5000 ghcr.io/b1ggi/todo-app:latest
🚧 Under Heavy Development! 🚧
Stay tuned for more updates and features coming soon!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.