This project is using git submodules, you thus need to clone the submodule in addition to the main project. To do so run the following command:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
In order to build this project you need to install the cmake build tool.
Run the following command to build the project using cmake
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
Then you need to compile the programs
$ cd build
$ make all
This will create four binaries cpu
, gpu_1
, gpu_2
, gpu_3
and gpu_final
All of the four binaries take as the first argument the destination file containing the cloud point as a csv and as a second argument the source file containing the cloud point as a csv.
Here is an exemple:
$ cd build
$ ./cpu destination.csv source.csv
To run the benchmark you first need to compile it using this command:
$ cd build
$ make bench
Then you can execute it this way:
$ cd build
$ ./bench
You can use the -h option to see the list of arguments the bench binary takes.