- Install Python and PyCharm in your local device
- Clone the project
- Open terminal in the root folder and run the following command:
pip install -r prerequisites.txt
- Copy the absloute path of this json file and paste them in Registration.py > registration_json_directory and also in Test Run 2.py > registration_directory. The directory should look like this: "D:\\Your Folder name\\json_factory\\registration.json"
- Open terminal in the root folder
- Run the following set of commands:
python -m pytest runner -vv -s --alluredir=allure-results --clean-alluredir
allure serve allure-results
- Optional: If you want to run only the smoke/regression test cases, run either of the follwing set of commands:
python -m pytest -m smoke runner -vv -s --alluredir=allure-results --clean-alluredir
allure serve allure-results
- OR,
python -m pytest -m regression runner -vv -s --alluredir=allure-results --clean-alluredir
allure serve allure-results