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  • keycloak_bend
  • oauth2-authenticator
  • legacy_auth_provider
  • keycloak_tapir_bridge

Keycloak backend (keycloak_bend)

All the ingredients to assemble Keycloak Docker. It starts from existing release Keycloak Docker. Following is added to it.

arXiv theme

The login and user portal shall look like part of arXiv and thus we need a custome theme.

REST user federation

A key piece to migrate existing users to Keycloak.

This is to retrieve and authenticate the existing Tapir users. When Keycloak sees an unregistered user, it tries this API to authenticate user, and if it succeeds, the user is automatically registered to Keycloak.

GCP pub/sub emitter

Sends the audit events to pubsub queue. Keycloak to Tapir bridge uses this to sync the user info between Keycloak and Tapir tables.

OAuth2 authenticator (oauth2-authenticator)

This is sometimes called Cookie Maker. This provides the oauth2 callback endpoint.

When the handshake with Keycloak succeeds, this sets up Tapir, and CE cookie.

In deployment, it is suggested to reverse-proxied from /aaa. (authentication, authorization and account.).

As we do not really use authorization as of now, it is not a close match but if we are to support the finer grained authorization, this is a logical place.

Legacy Auth Provider

Tapir users --> Legacy Auth Provider --> Keycloak

This is the endpoint for Keycloak's User federation to access in order to retrieve Tapir user authentication and authorization.

Keycloak Tapir Bridge (keycloak_tapir_bridge)

Tapir users <-- Keycloak Tapir Bridge <-- Keycloak

This service subscribes to the audit events from Keycloak and updates the Tapir data. The audit events includes the user's demographic such as names, emails, URLs.


Quick start

cd ~/arxiv/arxiv-keycloak
make bootstrap
make docker-image
make up

cd ~/arxiv/arxiv-admin-console
ln -s ../arxiv-keycloak/.env .env
make bootstrap
make docker-image
make up

After that, one should be able to log into

with user/pass from 1password entry for tapir test

If this does not work, make sure to have the most uptodate sql data: cd ~/arxiv/arxiv-keycloak rm tests/data/sanitized-test-db.sql make tests/data/sanitized-test-db.sql make up

  • Bootstrap
  • Build Docker Images
  • Run Dockers with docker compose

Before you start, you need 1password CLI. The gets a few values from 1P and populates the values in .env.localdb.

At the root (arxiv-keycloak) directory, make bootstrap. See .env below.


./ creates the file, and symlink .env --> .env.localdb.

Once created, you may change the .env as needed but YMMV. Adding is fine but be careful of removing entries.

This is used for building Docker images as well as running Docker containers. docker compose takes this env file.

Building Container images

make docker-image

Run this at the top-level and it runs the docker build in sub-directories.

Local running

make up

make down

Anatomy of Docker Compose

  • auth-db: PostgreSQL for Keycloak backend
  • arxiv-db: MySQL for arXiv backend
  • pubsub: GCP pubsub emulator
  • keycloak; Keycloak container
  • oauth2-authenticator: oauth2 callback endpoint
  • legacy-auth-provider
  • keycloak-tapir-bridge
  • nginx: To tie up the web site to the callback endpoint
  • keycloak-setup: Creates "arxiv" realm, "arxiv-user" client and Legacy Auth user federation
  • arxiv-db-setup: Creates and populates arXiv+Tapir tables
  • testsite: Test web site
  • test-mta: SMTP server that is also a REST api. Keycloak sends email to this, and you can retrieve and investigate.


No description, website, or topics provided.



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