Schemaspy for Postgresql
I've been using SchemaSpy for around last 2-3 years with Postgresql to show techinical clients that how our database and its schema is. Below information is I found at few different sites, basically they have provided service for all database but still I want to add what specifically for postgresql but we can use core SchemaSpy for all databases.
Below are the links of the same which are useful : to have extra parameter to apply.
Currently SchemaSpy has released 6.0.0 version and this is awesome.
So what basically you will need to :
Schema Spy actually needs to have graphviz installed.
apt-get install graphviz
If you get error
Failed to query Graphviz version information
with: dot -V Cannot run program "dot": error=2, No such file or directory
ref :
then apt install graphviz
Install java, I used ubuntu so I've used below link to install JAVA.
I've used only apt-get install default-jdk
Download latest version of Schema Spy at
Set password to your database.
Now find appropriate JRE i.e.
and download. here
This is actually a JAR file to use with any database connection for mysql this will be different, you need to do searching to find appropriate databases jar files.
Use command to generate schema related information :
java -jar schemaspy-6.0.0.jar -t pgsql -db imast -host localhost -u username -p password -o ./output -dp postgresql-9.4.1212.jre6 -s public -noads
Now you'll beatiful output from it.
To have example or ready things I've connected my VERY OLD and STOPPED projects database and useful jar, jre files for you guys.
So if you want to generate in your machine simply follow 5 steps and git clone this repository and use above command, but make sure database is exists with relational table then it will give you joy.
I kept postgresql-941212jre6.jar
and schemaspy-6.0.0.jar
both jar files in repository, but if your database is different then
instead of postgresql jar you need to find appropriate database jar file.
I hope you people will like this.
Please comment if anyone of you find issues handling in this, also same support is available at stack overflow too.